Tag Archives: witness-history

Girl Power

I am incredibly inspired by my dad’s selection of Governor Palin as the first woman Vice Presidential candidate of the Republican Party. This is a great moment for young women everywhere who can look to her as a role model. As I was standing on stage, I found myself getting emotional about today’s historic event and the evolution in the role of women as leaders in politics. I couldn’t be more proud of my father! I will have more to say tomorrow but wanted to give everyone a quick update.

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Girl Power

Governor Sarah Palin

Yesterday was incredible. Again I got to witness history in the making, from a front row seat. Starting out the day with Dad’s choice of Governor Sarah Palin as his nominee for Vice President is a moment on stage I will never forget. She and her family are so down to earth and so much fun. I could not be any luckier to have these wonderful people join us on the road. I had the pleasure of spending the day with kids Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig. Not only do we have a new Vice Presidential nominee, but I have three new awesome girls to share the road with. I am looking forward to spending more time with them hanging out on the Straight Talk Express. It feels a bit like we’re welcoming a few new blogettes to the site and my life. I couldn’t be happier, more pleased or excited. This has truly been one of the best days on the trail so far. P.S. And in repsonse to many of our fans, we’re happy to announce the opening of McCainBlogetteStore.com with shirts, hats and other items. Let us know what you think! Song of the Day: “One Girl Revolution” by Superchick

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Governor Sarah Palin