Tag Archives: governor-sarah

Sarah Palin "Checked Out" By Secret Service Agent Caught in Scandal, Report Reveals

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is weighing in on the recent Secret Service scandal after it was revealed that one of the accused agents, David Chaney, was “checking her out” on assignment protecting then-VP candidate Palin in 2008. That’s just disturbing. Not as disturbing as the fact that Sarah Palin was once close enough to the presidency that she warranted Secret Service detail, but still. Bad taste. Seriously, though. This is a real story. David Chaney, one of the agents implicated in the Colombia prostitution fiasco, wrote on Facebook of Sarah Palin that he was “checking her out” while assigned to protect the vice presidential candidate during the 2008 campaign. He posted a photo of Palin with him looking on from the background. Under the photo, he wrote: “I was really checking her out, if you know what i (sic) mean?” Palin, on Fox News, shot back: “Well, check this out, buddy – you’re fired!” She added that the scandal is “a symptom of government run amok” and that she hopes Chaney is in the doghouse, getting in a dig at President Obama’s dog-eating “scandal”: Sarah Palin on Secret Service Scandal

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Sarah Palin "Checked Out" By Secret Service Agent Caught in Scandal, Report Reveals

Sarah Palin on Hilary Rosen’s Attacks on Ann Romney: “We Will Be Silent No More!” (Video)


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Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was on with Sean Hannity tonight to discuss White House adviser Hilary Rosen’s attack on Ann Romney. Sarah Palin told Sean – “I heard from a lot of Mama Grizzlies today.” “We will be silent … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 13/04/2012 06:12 Number of articles : 2

Sarah Palin on Hilary Rosen’s Attacks on Ann Romney: “We Will Be Silent No More!” (Video)

Figures. Democrat Congresswomen Refuse to Condemn Bill Maher’s Hateful Misogynist Attacks on Palin (Video)


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What a surprise… Democratic Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee and Jan Schakowsky repeatedly refused to condemn Bill Maher’s crude comments that former Governor Sarah Palin is a “c*nt” and a “dumb twat.” They also refuse to call for President Obama’s SuperPAC … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 07/03/2012 20:07 Number of articles : 2

Figures. Democrat Congresswomen Refuse to Condemn Bill Maher’s Hateful Misogynist Attacks on Palin (Video)

Sarah Palin Alaska TLC photo

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and her son Trig are shown in a scene from her new TLC Channel reality series “Sarah Palin#39;s Alaska” in this publicity photo released to Reuters November 12, 2010. The eight-part show on cable channel TLC, which makes its TV debut on Sunday, portrays the Tea Party favorite, and arguably America#39;s most polarizing public figure, as a family-loving, outdoors woman who is as happy gutting salmon in the mud as addressing political rallies. TLC unveiled its hi

Sarah Palin Alaska TLC photo

Governor Sarah Palin

Yesterday was incredible. Again I got to witness history in the making, from a front row seat. Starting out the day with Dad’s choice of Governor Sarah Palin as his nominee for Vice President is a moment on stage I will never forget. She and her family are so down to earth and so much fun. I could not be any luckier to have these wonderful people join us on the road. I had the pleasure of spending the day with kids Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig. Not only do we have a new Vice Presidential nominee, but I have three new awesome girls to share the road with. I am looking forward to spending more time with them hanging out on the Straight Talk Express. It feels a bit like we’re welcoming a few new blogettes to the site and my life. I couldn’t be happier, more pleased or excited. This has truly been one of the best days on the trail so far. P.S. And in repsonse to many of our fans, we’re happy to announce the opening of McCainBlogetteStore.com with shirts, hats and other items. Let us know what you think! Song of the Day: “One Girl Revolution” by Superchick

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Governor Sarah Palin