Zip. Zero. Stingy with dinero… Katie Holmes Will Be Awarded Nothing In Divorce Settlement With Tom Cruise According to TMZ Reports : Katie Holmes will be getting virtually nothing from Tom Cruise by way of $$$$ because their prenup cuts her out of his fortune … and sources connected with Katie tell us it’s just fine with her. We’ve learned the prenup Katie signed is long, tight and stacked in Tom’s favor. We’re told reports that she’ll walk away with $15-20 million are absurd. Our sources say Katie will walk away with what she brought into the marriage … and hardly anything else. Our Katie sources tell us, “She’s not about the money. She’s not that girl. She loves to work.” We’re told there’s one thing Katie is insistent on — she wants child support from Tom, and that could turn into a big ticket item. As for whether Katie will challenge the prenup … it’s pretty common when a divorcing couple is in conflict, and our Katie sources are not ruling that out. But they insist, “Money is not that important to her. She makes plenty on her own.” One final point … a well-placed source connected with the couple tells us, the prenup that basically gives Katie bupkis is proof the marriage is not a sham — she didn’t tie the knot for the loot. We want pre-nup, we want pre-nup, yeeaaaaaaah! Image via WENN
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In Good A$$ Prenup News: Katie Holmes Will Be Leaving With Little To Nothing In Divorce Settlement With Tom Cruise!