Tag Archives: working-really

Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley: Planning to Procreate

Consider yourselves warned, fellow human beings: Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley are threatening to procreate in the near future. The Real Housewives of Orange County star tells OK! of her plans: “We’re working really hard right now to have a baby. He actually has a vasectomy so he has to get a reversal and we have to kind of figure that all out.” So, does this mean the long-time couple will make their relationship official? “If that is the path we are taking, there should be some sort of commitment and I don’t know when that is going to happen and who is going to ask who,” Rossi tells the tabloid. Rossi, of course, turned down Smiley’s proposal a few months ago, but with proper magazine coverage, you never know: she may say yes next time!

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Gretchen Rossi and Slade Smiley: Planning to Procreate

Paris Hilton Drops Some Awesome Cleavage

I’m still amazed that a skinny chick like Paris Hilton can somehow manage to create this much cleavage. I don’t know how she does it and quite frankly I don’t want to know, I’ll probably just be a little weirded out by the whole process. I bet there’s tape and wires and all that involved. Anyhow, whatever she’s doing it’s working really well for her. If she jumped up and down or worked a jackhammer I don’t think these things will actually bounce or move around or anything, but still hot. more pictures of Paris Hilton here

It’s Official: Izzy Stevens Is Gone

We spotted Katherine Heigl out and about running errands yesterday in LA.