Tag Archives: worst-person

My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

Student Gets Tased Fans Throw a Bomb at at Russian Basketball Game Strong Dude in Brazil 12 Cops VS Naked Girl with a Machete Gas Station Pump VS Woman Alabama Police VS Grandfather People in Brazil Stealing from a Truck Accident – While Truck Driver is Dead in the Cab Suicide Videos are Fucked Worst Person to Road Trip With Dude Pissing in the Lobby The post My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

Potentially Worse Worst Person Ever of the Day: In her latest…


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Potentially Worse Worst Person Ever of the Day: In her latest video, infamous Poe’s law invoker TamTamPamela has raised the bar for religious extremists and religious extremism spoofers alike by thanking God for shaking Japan awake from the slumber of secularism. Is she for real? The debate rages on . Either way: Not funny. [ thanks leah! ] Earlier: Worst Person Ever . Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Daily What Discovery Date : 14/03/2011 19:04 Number of articles : 2

Potentially Worse Worst Person Ever of the Day: In her latest…

Olbermann Distorts Conservative Adage as a ‘Screw the Poor’ Attack

On Friday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann either showed his ignorance of conservative ideology, or he made his latest deliberate distortion to attack conservatives as he suggested that a Republican candidate for Oklahoma governor expressed a negative attitude toward the poor, referred to by Olbermann as “screw the poor,” when, in reality, she was making the case that the wealthy are important to the economy because they are the wage payers for many people. As she spoke out against raising taxes, Rep. Mary Fallin alluded to the conservative argument that a tax increase on the wealthy would be bad for their employees. Olbermann quoted her version of the common conservative saying that conveys this point. Fallin: “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been offered a job by a poor person.” The MSNBC host, apparently not getting the point, concluded that her words were meant as an attack on the poor as being useless to her, and tagged her with the top dishonor of “Worst Person in the World.” Olbermann: At a recent tub thumping for the conservative cause, she insisted government spending needs to be cut and tax breaks be given to the wealthy. And then she added this: “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been offered a job by a poor person.” She did not add, “So screw’em.” That was merely implied. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Friday, August 27, Countdown show on MSNBC: KEITH OLBERMANN: But our winner, Representative Mary Fallon, who is inexplicably running for governor of Oklahoma. At a recent tub thumping for the conservative cause, she insisted government spending needs to be cut and tax breaks be given to the wealthy. And then she added this: “I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been offered a job by a poor person.” She did not add, “So screw’em.” That was merely implied. But, of course, Miss Fallon is factually mistaken. She’s been elected to public office six times since 1990, and if some poor people didn’t vote for her and offer her her job, then the party she belongs to must necessarily be the rich people’s party. Mary “Screw the Poor” Fallon, Republican candidate for governor of Oklahoma, today’s “Worst Person in the World”!

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Olbermann Distorts Conservative Adage as a ‘Screw the Poor’ Attack

World’s Worst Person Also World’s Cheapest Person [Horrible People]

John Fitzgerald Page is not only a horrible person who once tried to extort $1000 from a 19 year-old girl. He is also the world’s cheapest person. Let’s enjoy some tales of his absurd frugality! More

Olbermann Slams Anti-Helen Thomas Rabbi in ‘Worst Person’ Segment, But Not Helen Thomas

On Wednesday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann included Rabbi David Nessenoff – famous for exposing Helen Thomas’s anti-Semitic beliefs in a video of her posted on his Web site – for inclusion in his “Worst Person in the World” segment because Rabbi Nessenoff’s site also includes a video which the MSNBC host viewed as being racist toward Mexicans. Olbermann also misstated the severity of Thomas’s declaration that Israeli Jews should “get the hell out of Palestine,” as many in the pro-Palestinian movement consider all of Israel to be part of “Palestine.” But Olbermann suggested that she was only referring to Israeli Jews who live in settlements in the Palestinian territories: “Runner up, Rabbi David Nessenoff. He is the man who precipitated the end of Helen Thomas’s career, got the video of her saying Israelis in settlements in Palestine should go home to Poland and Germany and the U.S. It was sad. It was narrow minded. I can`t defend it. On the other hand, Rabbi Nessenoff doesn`t exactly have clean hands.” Notably, the Countdown host had passed on featuring Helen Thomas in his “Worst Person” segment for her anti-Semitic remarks, explaining on Monday that he was thinking of “reluctantly” including her in that night’s show but chose not to because she had resigned from her position. Olbermann, on Monday: “But first, with a thank you to Helen Thomas for doing the right thing and bowing out before I had to reluctantly put her out this list, get out your pitchforks and torches, time for tonight`s “Worst Persons in the World.” Also of note, Rabbi Nessenoff is currently posting on his Web site examples of anti-Semitic hate mail – laced with profanity – that the site has received since outing Thomas’s anti-Israel comments. Nessenoff reports, “We received over 25,000 pieces of hate mail.” Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Wednesday, June 10, Countdown show on MSNBC: KEITH OLBERMANN: Runner up, Rabbi David Nessenoff. He is the man who precipitated the end of Helen Thomas’s career, got the video of her saying Israelis in settlements in Palestine should go home to Poland and Germany and the U.S. It was sad. It was narrow minded. I can`t defend it. On the other hand, Rabbi Nessenoff doesn`t exactly have clean hands. On his Web site, he posted a video of himself doing a weather report, delivered in a really bad Hispanic dialect that is flatly racist. This would be the rabbi on the left. RABBI DAVID NESSENOFF, PLAYING A CHARACTER WITH MEXICAN ACCENT: That’s a really nice map. Last time I saw a map like that I was an immigration officer with three Gringos down on the Mexican border. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: God bless America. NESSENOFF: My friend, God blessed America. But he`s sure not looking out for Mexico. I haven`t seen God down there in a long time. OLBERMANN: An opinion writer had to retire from opinion writing because she gave an opinion. Shouldn`t a man of God have to retire from being a man of God when he starts insulting some of God`s children?

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Olbermann Slams Anti-Helen Thomas Rabbi in ‘Worst Person’ Segment, But Not Helen Thomas