Tag Archives: truck-accident

Bottomless Woman on a Vehicle and Other Videos of the DAy

White Woman Pepper Sprayed By Cops While Restrained is a New Fetish Road Sign Celebrating the End of Construction Terrifying Truck Accident Crazy Jumper Cops Kill Black Guy with a Gun – What Jerks Airbag Fail Contoversial Race Car The post Bottomless Woman on a Vehicle and Other Videos of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Bottomless Woman on a Vehicle and Other Videos of the DAy

Lea Michele New Tits and Face of the Day

I used to like making fun of Lea Michele for being a man who dressed like a girl – thanks to her hard manly face and her voice of an angel. I figured if she was born with a penis – they’d only be able to sell her to the entertainment industry and as long as she was clean shaved – no one would have to know…. Then I liked making fun of her for her fake relationship with her gay heroin addict co-star who died of a heroin overdose – because I know how these shows pander to retard children who buy into their show, buy the merch of their shows, buy the boxset or the I-Tunes Series – making the producers money – and it’s all through manipulation… So for years since his death my joke, which got repetetive since I am not creative and it was repetitive was “Here’s Lea Michele not crying for her dead fiance”…you know since she’d be devastated if he was her actual fiance, and she was a vapid twat who just wants more money and fame…. Well….now…we can focus on her plastic surgery that has clearly turned her into a girl…I won’t say she’s hot…I can’t bring myself to do that…but I will say that modern science, facial injections can really help a tranny commit to their womanly dreams… TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE CELEBS AT AND FROM COMIC CON CLICK HERE The post Lea Michele New Tits and Face of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lea Michele New Tits and Face of the Day

Emma Roberts holding Predator’s Hand of the Day

A video posted by Emma Roberts (@emmaroberts) on Jul 22, 2016 at 11:00pm PDT It’s Comic Con so all the nerds have been masturbating to nerd shit that comic con brings out…. Like girls, often times hot girls who realize nerds are an easy market to get into – all they have to do is play video games or dress up in characters from their favorite bullshit… Or – The WONDER WOMAN TRAILER….12 million fucking views….really….. Or – Brie Larson playing captain Marvel ,because when you win an Oscar for some indy role, you have to do comic book movies – they are the only movies happening these days…which I find unfortunate…but NERDS FUCKING LOVE> … So Cosplay, weirdos, creepy people into cosplay and celebrities milking the shit out of these people, because these people actually fucking pay to go to movies, because something went wrong in their lives or childhood forcing them to become fanatic. You know so absorbed in the characters, the lifestyle, yet so alone in their social awkwardness TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE CELEBS AT AND FROM COMIC CON CLICK HERE The post Emma Roberts holding Predator’s Hand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Emma Roberts holding Predator’s Hand of the Day

Maitland Ward Body Painted Pussy of the Day

Maitland Ward and I are very good friends. She emails me everytime I rip into her for a story a reader sent in about her offering to have anal sex with him for very little money – because her and her husband are broke swingers and that’s what they do…. My response to her emails are always “send me pussy pics”….or “let’s make a sex tape”…not that I am convinced anyone would watch her sex tape, she’s not that famous and at 39 years old, after a year or two of pushing as hard as she can to get famous, and is still not famous….resorting to offering sex on snapchat that SHE denies, obviously…..saying the screenshots are fake….and that I took down because I am a nice guy – but still talk about because you can’t silence me…. Well, I guess since it is Comic Con, not that she was at Comic Con, but she took pics of herself like she was, in Cosplay costumes – for her fans that fucking love it.. And I just love that her pussy is fully hanging out, you know body painted done right…in the thinnest coat of paint ever…with pussy fully hanging out… It’s weird, but great….in a terrible fucking way….Keep up the good work, she’s making me a believer…I am just not sure what I’m believing in…seriously – what the fuck is this.. TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF ALL THE CELEBS AT AND FROM COMIC CON CLICK HERE The post Maitland Ward Body Painted Pussy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maitland Ward Body Painted Pussy of the Day

New York Park Bench Star and Other Videos of the Day

Terrifyuing Truck Accident… This is What Happens When You Cheat on your Husband in China Classy Topless Chick Fight Kit Hit by Car – Hard Classy Rochester New York Bull VS Person…in Mexico Tiger VS Woman in China who Gets Out of Car in a Nature Reserve like an Idiot Rio Training for Terrorist Attack Man Tried to Kill a Guy Getting Dialysis in ALbania – Ends Up Killing Two Other Women The post New York Park Bench Star and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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New York Park Bench Star and Other Videos of the Day

My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

Student Gets Tased Fans Throw a Bomb at at Russian Basketball Game Strong Dude in Brazil 12 Cops VS Naked Girl with a Machete Gas Station Pump VS Woman Alabama Police VS Grandfather People in Brazil Stealing from a Truck Accident – While Truck Driver is Dead in the Cab Suicide Videos are Fucked Worst Person to Road Trip With Dude Pissing in the Lobby The post My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

Student Gets Tased Fans Throw a Bomb at at Russian Basketball Game Strong Dude in Brazil 12 Cops VS Naked Girl with a Machete Gas Station Pump VS Woman Alabama Police VS Grandfather People in Brazil Stealing from a Truck Accident – While Truck Driver is Dead in the Cab Suicide Videos are Fucked Worst Person to Road Trip With Dude Pissing in the Lobby The post My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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My Kind of Teacher and Other Videos of the Day

Ikki Twin Making ‘Slow Improvements’

Filed under: TV , Exclusives Erica “Rikki” Mongeon was released from the ICU on Tuesday — but doctors have told the “Double Shot of Love” star’s family that she’s looking at a lengthy hospital stay.According to her manager, Erica is making slow improvements after coming out of … Permalink

Excerpt from:
Ikki Twin Making ‘Slow Improvements’

Martha Stewart’s Twitter Is a Catalog of Death and Mayhem

Martha Stewart is a walking vortex of chaos and destruction, and we know this because we read her Twitter. The latest “accident:” A car simply burst into flames, right there outside her gates. The mommy mogul tried to explain away the suspicious incident by blaming a sign, which snuck up on the driver, in broad daylight: If we had $5 for every time a minor collision with a flimsy stationary object had caused one of our vehicles to become engulfed in flames , we still couldn’t buy anything at Starbucks

Originally posted here:
Martha Stewart’s Twitter Is a Catalog of Death and Mayhem