We’ve all been there. We’ve poured our blood, sweat, and tears into an assignment, handed it in, and received it back from the teacher with nary a comment about all of our hard work. A simple grade scribbled in the corner with absolutely zero pomp and circumstance. The little trumpet sounds in our head: WAH WAH WAAAAAAAAH. It’s like…it’s like THEY DIDN’T EVEN READ IT! One enterprising young man decided to put that theory to the test. Literally. During the essay portion of a test about Shakespeare, the young man rambled on nearly incoherently for an entire paragraph about Sprite and words that rhyme with “time.” He got an A-. It might be time for this professor to call it a day. At least this kid was smart about his answers and performed his little experiment on purpose. That’s more than we can say for these silly homework answers. 11 Hilarious Homework Answers That Should Get An A for Effort Open Slideshow 1. Because MATH I did always hate having to explain my answer in math class. Isn’t it obvious? View As List 1. Because MATH I did always hate having to explain my answer in math class. Isn’t it obvious? 2. Big Pimpin’ Now THIS is an explanation we can get behind. Some little cassanova has figured out life. Here’s hoping he also figured out how NOT to get caught. 3. Riddle Me This This riddle about Justin “Beaver” is certainly funnier than anything Justin Bieber has done lately. 4. Current Events This kid gets an A+! Not only is his answer technically correct, but he also plugged the Wounded Warrior Project. 5. Love All, Trust Parents Benjamin Franklin, father of the aphorism, would be so incredibly proud of this kid. 6. Pets and Siblings Raising kids is totally like raising pets, right? According to this kid it is. Bet little brother loves a scratch behind the ears, too! 7. Be Kind to Animals When the teacher becomes the student. 8. Teen Mom In Training Is this the homework of a future Teen Mom? 9. EARMUFFS! If there’s one thing parents everywhere need to know it’s that kids are listening. And watching. And they will imitate you when you least expect it. 10. The Realist This kid gets a million points for being the smartest kid in the room. He understands life AND statistics.
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Kid Gives Nonsense Test Answer, Gets An A