Runner Completes Marathon While Menstruating Without A Tampon A musician in the UK decided she wasn’t going to let her period stop her from completing the London marathon. But to make a statement…the woman decided to take on the course without a tampon or any other sort of sanitary protection — in light colored pants to boot. Uh…you go girl?? Via HollywoodLife : After training for a year to run her first marathon in April, Kiran Gandhi certainly wasn’t going to let her period stop her. The 26-year old, who has played drums for singer M.I.A. and Thievery Corporation, decided that running the London Marathon with a tampon in would not be comfortable — so she instead decided to embrace her womanhood and bleed freely during the race. “I ran the whole marathon with my period blood running down my legs,” Kiran, a Harvard Business School graduate, wrote of the 26.2 mile-long race on her personal website. “I ran with blood dripping down my legs for sisters who don’t have access to tampons and sisters who, despite cramping and pain, hide it away and pretend like it doesn’t exist. I ran to say, it does exist, and we overcome it everyday.” After hard work and training, the drummer ended up finishing the race in four hours, 49 minutes and 11 seconds. She posed for pics where she confidently showed the blood running freely down her legs. “I felt kind of like, Yeah! F–k you! I felt very empowered by that. I did, ” Kiran told Cosmopolitan of her decision to run without a tampon. In fact, she believes by doing something like this, sexism can be overcome. “If there’s one way to transcend oppression, it’s to run a marathon in whatever way you want,” Kiran wrote. “Where the stigma of a woman’s period is irrelevant, and we can re-write the rules as we choose.” Hey — we’re all for erasing stigmas and whatnot…but we’re not quite sure how making bleeding all over the place the new wave will help women out in the long run.
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Girl, Gross: Woman Runs London Marathon WITHOUT Wearing This…