Tag Archives: writes-movies

Alexis Ren Tongue of the Day

I think the world needs more girls with hot young bodies posting half naked pictures on the internet to go viral, and not just with herpes, even though herpes is in the cards for them, based on the career and ladder climbing, sugar babying and gold digging, as they become “it girls” with millions of followers…for brands to hire them for their perceived celebrity… I don’t think there are enough half naked, attention seeking, validation seeking people on social media looking for that mass appeal, critical mass stamp of approval… I do think we need more and more desperate for fame 18 year olds…that will do anything for this fake, candy-coated, lie that is social media… Because I’d rather dilute the bitches who are winning in this world like the Jenner – Hadids of the world…who are just fucking garbage that had everything given to them…without having the fuck their way to the top.. The idea of fucking whoever the way because they want to and not to advance their careers…is upsetting to me… So let’s give the more normal people attention….right… The post Alexis Ren Tongue of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Alexis Ren Tongue of the Day

Kendall Jenner Celebrates 40 Million Followers with Censored Tit Flash of the Day

Kendall Jenner hit 40 million followers…so she flashed her tit…like some white trash, trailer park trash, college coed at some frat party before jumping into a wet t-shirt contest… Not that I have anything against titty flashes, I think tits are great and I sexualize them harder than Feminists could ever imagine a tit being sexualized….in their “It’s to feed babies”….even though they have a lot of downtime when not feeding babies, especially when they are 20 and being used to get noticed…when babies aren’t even in the fucking mix…plenty of opportunity for people like me to sexualize the motherfuckers…or the the owner of the motherfuckers to take a cue from the family code of conduct manual they are given at birth that the mom spent the fucking OJ years writing…it’s called “Owning the Fucking Media like it was a Rich Man with Our Pussies”… Garbage. The post Kendall Jenner Celebrates 40 Million Followers with Censored Tit Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kendall Jenner Celebrates 40 Million Followers with Censored Tit Flash of the Day

Angelina Jolie is Old as Fuck of the Day

I prefer Angelina Jolie when she was a pre-famous, 90s hipster, into the art scene…all while being dark and serious…maybe even damaged thanks to her famous father…misguided, lost, useless….probably fucking a lot…hot and tight bodied who didn’t really know better, but had no real consequences to her actions thanks to having that rich father… The whole 40 year old mom with bad Botox….reminding us of her glory days…just doesn’t do it for me. I guess I was never really that big of a fan of her homewrecking tits and lips..to really stay committed to her like Brad Pitt, a man who could fuck everyone, including George Clooney and who probably does, they are Hollywood and being together is good for business… So I just see old…tired…mom of too many purchased and biological babies…who has decided she’s a writer and director, because I guess she is, since she writes movies and directs them….since Hollywood likes financing their golden child… But I guess she doesn’t look as bad as most 40 year old moms of 12 kids…just bad for Angelina Jolie…and I guess what it comes down to is that this reminds me how old I am …and that my life consists of writing about her like this matters..which is enough to make me drink, but I guess waking up is enough to make me drink…so that’s not saying much. The post Angelina Jolie is Old as Fuck of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Angelina Jolie is Old as Fuck of the Day