Tag Archives: younger-hotter

Heather Graham Is Some Sexy Arm Candy

I’ve always liked Heather Graham , and not just in movies, I like to see her out in the wild among the rest of the world looking good and standing out. That’s the real test of a true beauty. Here she is out over the weekend looking cute in her little top and some sexy boots. I could see myself walking down the street with her, holding hands and making all kinds of douchebags jealous. Good times. Obviously I’d only stay with her until a younger hotter chick throws herself at me because I’m banging Heather Graham , but it will be fun while it lasts.

Elle Macpherson’s Nipples And Panties Make It A Beautiful Life

Here’s Elle MacPherson showing off some nipple and a tiny bit of panty on the set of ‘The Beautiful Life’, not very exciting but she’s a former supermodel so I’ll take it. I was in Germany recently and saw a woman checking in to my hotel who looked like a younger hotter Elle MacPherson , she had to have been a model of some sort, obviously when I tried to make small talk she shot me down so quickly it wasn’t even funny. She made my testicles feel like shriveled raisins in the sun… I’ll always love her

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Elle Macpherson’s Nipples And Panties Make It A Beautiful Life