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Gulf Oil Disaster: Evidence that demands investigation and verdict

Dear Congressman/Senator, I am deeply concerned with the handling of the cleanup and containment effort of the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. As such, it is now the time to lay aside partisan issues, and issue a criminal and ethical investigation into the Obama administration’s dealings with BP oil, evidence of prior knowledge for the spill, and the relationship of money exchanged in return for complete collusion and complicity in this whole situation. Clearly, after citing the circumstantial evidence below, you should see that a criminal investigation into the roles of the Federal Government under the Obama administration and BP Oil, in the events leading up to the creation of this disaster, to the lack of federal response is warranted and overdue. EVIDENCE THAT DEMANDS AN INVESTIGATION AND A VERDICT 1. Barack Obama received more money from BP Oil than ANY OTHER politician in the last 20 years – Republican or Democrat. (Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64420A20100505 ) 2. Rahm Emanuel, chief of staff to Barack Obama, lives in a luxury Washington D.C. apartment given to him by a high-level BP Oil Staffer (L.A. Times, http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/06/rahm-emanuel-bp-gul-oil-spill… ) 3. Goldman Sachs, a part owner of BP, was the second highest contributor to Barack Obama, giving him just a little over $1 million (CNN, http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/20/obama.goldman.donations/index.html ) 4. The current chairman of Goldman Sachs was also the chairman of BP oil. He stepped down from BP in 2009 ( Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Sutherland ) 5. Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, BP gave more money to Obama (Washington Independent, http://washingtonindependent.com/226/does-exxon-mobil-support-obama ) 6. George Soros, Who Helped Bankroll Obama’s 2008 campaign, is an aggressive investor in oil, and he is instrumental and is influential in Brazilian Oil Company Petrobras. (The Guru Focus, http://www.gurufocus.com/news.php?id=33828 ) 7. Curiously, CEO of BP, Tony Hayward dumped 1/3 of his BP stock holdings($2.1 million dollars) weeks before the oil rig explosion (The UK Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/7804922/BP-chie… ) 8. Coincidentally, Goldman Sachs dumped 44% – 4,680,822 shares – of its stock in BP Oil weeks before the spill – no other oil company, just BP. This also represented an unusual transaction, being two times the size of any normal stock trade for an institution its size. (Raw Story, http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0602/month-oil-spill-goldman-sachs-sold-250-million-… ) 9. Weeks before the oil spill, Haliburton acquired Boots & Coots, a Houston-based oil well intervention/oil safety/oil spill cleanup company, an investment criticized by many as an “unwise” investment at the time (Houston Chronicle, http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/6952547.html ) 10. It has also now been learned that President Obama stands to make over $85 Million over the next 10 years due to this “accident.” It seems as though Vanguard, Pres. Obama’s asset holdings company, dumped all of his shares of BP oil stocks in the weeks before the “accident.” http://www.twawki.com/?p=6768 11. On March 31st, Obama lifted a 20 year moratorium on offshore drilling, opening the Gulf of Mexico to new exploration and new competition amongst oil companies (Bellona, http://www.bellona.org/articles/articles_2010/US_drilling_moratorium_lifted ) 12. As early as February 2010, BP engineer referred to this particular rig as a “nightmare rig.” (AOL News, http://www.aolnews.com/gulf-oil-spill/article/bp-engineer-brian-morel-called-dee… ) 13. Jimmy Harrell, chief operator for Transocean who owned the rig was well aware of problems and warned of such a disaster. Harrell is quoted is telling an unknown person on the phone, “”Are you f****g happy? Are you f****g happy? The rig’s on fire! I told you this was gonna happen.” ( Mother Jones http://motherjones.com/blue-marble/2010/06/rigs-fire-i-told-you-was-gonna-happen ) 14. BP representatives knowingly and willfully gave the wrong orders on how to prevent an explosion on the rig. In order to control the pressure, cement(known as mud in the industry), is normally thrown down to seal of leaks. Instead, BP reps overruled the opinions of the workers and ordered sea water to be thrown down. This is clear evidence of criminal negligence, ineptitude, or criminal sabbotage. (NOLA.com, http://www.nola.com/news/gulf-oil-spill/index.ssf/2010/05/hearings_bp_representa… ) 15. The United States Coast Guard, an arm of the US Military under the control of the commander-in-chief, President Obama, has become severely compromised. It has now been “rented out” to BP, who is using it as a private security detail/bully force in the region, using intimidation, cover-ups, lies, as weapons, and not allowing media to remotely come close to any BP workers in the region. The Coast Guard is also directly and indirectly involved in turning away foreign aid, as well as PRIVATE and STATE entities which are proven to help more effectively in preventing damage to their coastlines. http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0617/expert-bp-running-gulf-prison-warden/ 16. There has been LITTLE TO NO response on the part of environmental groups and agencies regarding the damage that is being done to the ecosystem and environment in the region. This can only be regarded as suspicious. One can only wonder why they have not only remained silent, but they have praised the Obama administration’s actions. 17. We know that there are three poisonous gasses being released from the oil rig area. These 3 gasses are: Methane, Benzene, Hydrogen Sulfide. This does not include the byproducts of the dispersants which are also being released in the air. It is feared by many scientists and experts that benzene has the capability of igniting itself when it chemically reacts with the right concentration of gasses already present in the region. 18. With the Obama administration’s prolonging, knuckle-dragging, and delays in turning away help and aid, their actions only cause the scenario mentioned above all the more frightening. In a worst case scenario, according to scientists and other experts, the ignition of benzene would result in something akin to napalm, burning everything in its path. The US Coast Guard is following unlawful orders from President Obama in enforcing the denial of the 10th amendment to the states affected by this disaster. The Federal Government has NO AUTHORITY to tell a state how it will clean up or prevent damage to its coastline. It is also imperative that the governors of all states affected convene an emergency, [cont] You might click on the link and send a letter to your reps, if you still believe your voice matters. added by: samantha420