Tag Archives: zeller

Origin of the Suicide Bomber

Mariana van Zeller travels to Sri Lanka to examine the legacy of one of the world’s most powerful insurgencies, the Tamil Tigers — the invention of the suicide bomber vest.

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Origin of the Suicide Bomber

Movie Theology with Father Brett

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Movie Theology with Father Brett

Rehabilitating Tamil Child Soldiers

Mariana van Zeller meets former child soldiers conscripted into the Tamil Tigers.

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Rehabilitating Tamil Child Soldiers

Helping Abandoned Soccer Players

Mariana van Zeller talks with the Drogba family about Foot Solidaire, an organization helping young players who have been abandoned by agents. WEDNESDAY 10/9c

Helping Abandoned Soccer Players

Car Smoking ‘Child Abuse’, Leading General Practioner Warns

Parents who smoke in cars in front of small children are “committing a form of child abuse”, a leading GP has said. Professor Steve Field, chairman of the Royal College of General Practitioners, has condemned society's attitudes to food, alcohol and cigarettes. In a letter to the Observer newspaper, he said parents had to take more responsibility for their children's health – and set a good example. He said irresponsible behaviour led to high levels of disease and early death. He called on parents, mothers-to-be, the obese, smokers and drinkers to turn into healthy role models for their children. Professor Field, who represents 42,000 GPs across the UK, added: “I suppose the same people also smoke at home in front of their children. Evidence from the US indicates that more young children are killed by parental smoking than by all other unintentional injuries combined.” Other health experts have previously called for smoking to be banned in cars when children are present, but the government's recent decision not to review existing smoking legislation means that move is unlikely. In his letter, Professor Field says adults need to take responsibility for their own health too. He added: “The truth, which may be unpalatable to some, is that too many of us, too often, neglect too many aspects of our own personal health behaviour, and this is leading to increasing levels of ill-health and early death. “Public health is a sensitive subject. “It's not easy to strike the right balance between protecting people's sensibilities and delivering the hard facts about their personal behaviours that are ultimately shortening their lives. “Too many people do not face up to the hard facts, as they perceive them to be an attack aimed, in particular, at the poorer members of our society, when it is impossible to argue on medical or ethical grounds, that such behaviour is acceptable.” And he said they should ensure they were “healthy role models” so that children learnt to eat well, exercise and look after their own health. added by: Omnomynous


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Rebels in the Pipeline

Wednesday, 7pm ET Mariana van Zeller travels to the Niger Delta to see the devastation of the BP-sized spills that happen every year in the region.

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Rebels in the Pipeline

Ugandan Pastor Calls Rick Warren a "Wimp"

Mariana van Zeller interviews a leading Ugandan anti-gay advocate about his feelings on US evangelicals and their influence on proposed anti-gay laws.

View original post here:
Ugandan Pastor Calls Rick Warren a "Wimp"

What Do Ugandans Think of Anti-Gay Bill?

In this scene from “Missionaries of Hate,” Mariana van Zeller and a gay Ugandan talk to his fellow citizens about what they think about the anti-gay bill.

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What Do Ugandans Think of Anti-Gay Bill?

Extended Footage: Lou Engle in Uganda

Correspondent Mariana van Zeller goes beyond the headlines to reveal what the controversial American evangelical really said about Uganda’s anti-gay bill.

The rest is here:
Extended Footage: Lou Engle in Uganda