Tag Archives: zero-on-foreign

South Carolina Republican Debate: Schizo Crowd Cheers Lots of Harsh Sound Bites!

Jon Huntsman may have gotten out just in time. In front of by FAR the most raucous crowd of any Republican debate held thus far, the five remaining GOP hopefuls squared off in South Carolina last night. Ostensibly, everybody not named Mitt Romney angled to knock the frontrunner off his pedestal. In reality, it became a game of rhetorical one-upmanship. South Carolina GOP Debate The crowd cheered their support of U.S. soldiers urinating on dead Afghan bodies and their condemnation of the Obama administration’s condemnation of it. Newt Gingrich earned a standing ovation for this quote: “Andrew Jackson knew what to do with his enemies – he killed them.” How professorial he can be. Even Romney, the most vanilla of all candidates, got into the act, saying “The right thing for Osama bin Laden was the bullet in the head that he received.” No one here’s missing Osama, but really Mitt? The audience then jeered Ron Paul for suggesting that “we should practice the Golden Rule in foreign policy.” Nice to see we boo NOT bombing people. The yelled their approval of Rick Perry saying America should “go to zero on foreign aid.” They booed Juan Williams for questioning Newt’s big janitor idea . The South Carolina primary has a reputation for being a bloodbath, and last night’s rancor showed why. Just imagine if this race were in any way close.

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South Carolina Republican Debate: Schizo Crowd Cheers Lots of Harsh Sound Bites!