For years now, rumors of Josh Duggar returning to Counting On have been circulating non-stop on social media. Come to think of it, those rumors began almost immediately after the Josh Duggar sex scandals that threatened to destroy his family’s media empire back in 2015. Once it became clear that the Duggars would not simply slink back into obscurity, as so many had hoped, many assumed the family would eventually figure out a way to reintroduce the known molester to their fan base. And now, we regret to inform you that it looks as though that day has come. As In Touch Weekly points out Josh was recently spotted in wife Anna’s Instagram stories. That may not sound like such a big deal, as Josh frequently makes appearances on his wife’s social media pages. But this time around, Anna’s eagle-eyed followers picked up on something highly unusual about the pics. As you can see, Josh seems to have assumed the master of ceremonies role at what appears to be a gathering of young Duggars. Again, nothing terribly unusual about that, as — for reasons that defy logic — the Duggars still allow Josh around their children. But what’s got the rumor mill working overtime this week is a pic that comes later in Anna’s IG story. This photo was taken at the same gathering, and again, it doesn’t appear that there’s anything out of the ordinary about it. If you look closely, however, you’ll notice that there appears to be a cameraman standing just out of frame on the right side. For obvious reasons, this has led many to the conclusion that the party was filmed for an upcoming episode of Counting On . Given that he was spotted addressing the room with a microphone in his hande on multiple occasions, would it even be possible to edit Josh out of the scene , as the show has done in the past? Timing-wise this might be Josh’s best opportunity to try and weasel his way back on TV. Astonishingly, the recent Josh and Anna comeback tour has been well-received by a disturbingly large segment of the Duggar fanbase. Here’s hoping a much larger group is nauseated by the idea of a known child molester being paid to appear on television, and will boycott the hell out of TLC is such a thing is allowed to happen. View Slideshow: Josh Duggar Sex Scandal Timeline: How His Family’s Empire Crumbled
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Josh Duggar: Spotted Filming Scenes For Counting On?!