Beyoncé To Settle Lawsuit Over Feyonce Clothing Line

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Source: Kevin Mazur / Getty Beyoncé launched a copyright infringement lawsuit two years ago against a Texas clothing line that used her name to hawk products. It appears now that both sides are working on a settlement in the matter. The Blast reports : According to court documents obtained by The Blast, Beyoncé is requesting a hearing scheduled for November 1 to be adjourned. The singer explains, “The parties have met and conferred regarding settlement and are currently involved in advanced negotiations that the parties anticipate will resolve this matter shortly.” Beyoncé says she does not expect the case with the owners of Feyonce to go to trial after all. The settlement talks come just weeks after a federal judge shut down the pop superstar by denying her motion for an injunction against Feyonce, in the case that has dragged on for years. The outlet adds that the judge in the matter does not freely accept Beyoncé’s assertion that people buying Feyonce products would be confused by the two brands and assume she has anything to do with endorsing those products. The Feyonce owners say they never once used images of the singer, nor have they attempted to frame themselves as connected to that brand. The two sides are set to lay out their terms in court on November 15. — Photo: Getty

Beyoncé To Settle Lawsuit Over Feyonce Clothing Line

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