Ever since seeing those little un-smiley photo of Blanket Jackson at the Michael Jackson tribute concert in the U.K. last month , we’ve been a little curious about what the Jackson kids’ lives are really like now that their dad is gone. Apparently, we weren’t the only ones wondering. The Daily Mail’s “Mail On Sunday” published a new article today offering the first in-depth (albeit indirect) look at how MJ’s babies are really doing. Until now, only sketchy details have been available about the Jackson children, but today, after interviewing several sources close to the Jackson family, The Mail on Sunday can reveal the first detailed picture of their lives. Within the family, Prince and Paris are now seen as the great hope of carrying on the Jackson entertainment dynasty. There is even talk in Hollywood that they are considering an offer to appear in their own TV reality show. Given the bizarre nature of their upbringing – they often stumbled upon their father passed out on the bathroom floor or in his bedroom due to his intake of drugs – Prince and Paris appear to be surprisingly normal. But Blanket is a seriously withdrawn child. ‘He is shy, speaks very little and seems to be more shell-shocked than his siblings,’ said a family acquaintance. When Michael was alive, the children were educated at home. But now the two older ones attend Buckley School – one of the oldest co-educational day schools in Los Angeles, with fees of $33,500 (£21,000) a year. The Jackson children travel to and from the private school in a phalanx of four-wheel-drive vehicles with their bodyguards. Paris plays on the Buckley flag football team – its only female member – and Prince sings in school performances. ‘They’re down-to-earth kids, not full of themselves, not pretentious,’ says Diane Dimond, author of Be Careful Who You Love: Inside The Michael Jackson Case. ‘They don’t wear $500 sneakers and, except for their father’s trial, they don’t watch TV. ‘Of course, a staff of three maids, a full-time chef and a round-the-clock security detail looks after them.’ The children live with their grandmother Katherine in a sprawling, six-bedroom mansion set in 14 acres. It was once owned by Jose and Kitty Menendez, who were famously shot dead in 1989 by their sons at their other residence in Beverly Hills.
Read more from the original source:
Secret Adoptions, Reality TV, And Finding Daddy Drugged Up And Passed Out: Our First Inside Look At Prince, Paris And Blanket’s Lives