“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.” — Mark Twain http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/firetherulingclass#signForm In the time when our founding fathers drafted our Constitution, and created the U.S Government, they did not intend on government service to become a career. It is the purpose of this petition to be the voice of the people to limit the terms of Senators to two (12 years maximum), and Representatives to six terms (12 years maximum). (Reelections have stayed above 85% since 1965, and in 2008 are at 94%) – http://www.firetherulingclass.org/ruling.asp In March 21, 1947, the Twenty-second Amendment (Amendment XXII) was ratified, and so set limits to the office of The President…but none for anyone else. The last ratified Amendment in the constitution was in 1992, and dealt with issue of their pay raises. No such limits have been proposed, or ratified for the very people who write the laws which impact our daily lives. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” -Lord Acton In a time when our nation seems so polarized by either left, or right; this one thing, I hope we all can agree upon. We do not need members in Congress or the House, who ignore the voice of the people, or who lend an ear to the highest bidder. We do not need Legislators who grow comfortable with their seat, and do all they can to latch on to it. We need leaders, representatives who heed our voice, and perform a service to the people of these United States. It is not a seat of power to be used to make oneself a fortune, but should be used to better the lives of all. I propose this be added as the 28th Amendment of the Constitution. (for the benefit of all) ” XXViii Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of Senator more than twice, and no person who has held the office of Senator, or acted as Senator, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected Senator shall be elected to the office of Senator more than twice (two six-year terms). This article shall be retroactive when applied. Those who currently serve as Senator shall stay for the remainder of the term. Those who have served a prior, consecutive term, will not be eligible for reelection. Those who have served two or more prior consecutive terms will also be ineligible for reelection, upon ratification, and there after. Section 2. No person shall be elected to the office of Representative more than six terms (one term is for two years), and no person who has held the office of Representative, or acted as Representative, for more than eleven years of a term to which some other person was elected Representative shall be elected to the office of Representative more than six terms. This article shall be retroactive when applied. Those who currently serve as Representative shall stay for the remainder of there term. Those who have served a prior six consecutive terms, will not be eligible for reelection. ” Section 3. The terms and length of service for Senators and Representatives shall not be changed or abridged by the United States or by any State. Only a popular vote, won by no less than 85% of US Citizens shall over turn the limits. added by: mitekillem