Hi Hater: Glenn Beck Pulls The Angry Black Woman Card And Calls Michelle Obama A “Monster” For Confronting Heckler

Ho sit down ! Glenn Beck Calls Michelle Obama A Monster Crazy controversial conservative talk show host Glenn Beck openly criticized first lady Michelle Obama during his radio program Thursday. Via HuffPo reports: “She snaps,” Beck said. “She walks away from the microphone, pretty much to confront the person, you know just like, ‘bring it on.’ And she says, you can barely hear her, you either talk and I leave, or I talk.” While this is a fairly accurate description of the exchange between Sturtz and Obama, the thing that really stuck with Beck was the way Obama was able to transition quickly back to the podium. “She just went right back into the speech,” Beck said. “So this woman’s a monster. She is Lady Macbeth. She is a frightening woman.” A post referencing Beck’s discussion also referred to Obama’s “arrogance” as “shocking.” It’s sad the most powerful woman in world who just so happens to be Black can’t demonstrate some form OF authority without some people using the tired “angry black woman” description. The heckler interrupted Michelle’s speech yet people are criticizing her. SMH!!!!

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