Tag Archives: 23rd

Reaction to getting Justin Bieber concert tickets! Surprise Sofia!

My reaction to getting tickets to my hero’s and most importantly my inspiration’s concert, Justin Bieber xoxo November 22nd 2010, a day for all of us AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE beliebers to remember! Justin tweeted that we were the loudest croud hes ever had so far, now BELIEBERS… that is SO EPIC and awesome! Congrats to US beliebers! We R 4ever and we will always be a family supporting and loving Justin Bieber no matter what! I cant stop smiling since the concert and I wont ever stop smiling because dreams do come true! Ill explain how my dreams came true later on in MY STORY. Getting back to the concert, it was the best, loudest, most amazing, incredible and most energectic concert! To me and to others im sure, it was PERFECT, it couldnt have been better! It was their dreams come true too! He put on such an amazing show from beginning until the very end! He loves every single one of his fans& he tries to show it all the time, and on November 22nd he showed it every single second of the concert! He didnt only perform his songs to us with his amazing talent&beautiful voice, but he also talked to us and made us laugh, cry, scream, shout&made us SMILE! He teased us so much with his jokes saying WHO WANTS TO BE MY BABY, or, WHOS SINGLE AND LONELY BECAUSE IM LOOKING FOR MY ONE LESS LONELY GIRL, or, WHO WANTS TO BE MY ONE LESS LONELY GIRL… and so on From the second he came out on stage until the time he went off, he gave us the time of our lives! He taught us to NEVER SAY … http://www.youtube.com/v/Br0zv4ecGo4?f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Go here to see the original: Reaction to getting Justin Bieber concert tickets! Surprise Sofia!

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Reaction to getting Justin Bieber concert tickets! Surprise Sofia!

It was the 20th of April (the concert was on the 23rd) and me,…

It was the 20th of April (the concert was on the 23rd) and me, my friend Sarah along with my mum were going to Jakarta (we live in Bali). A day before the concert, we made posters, but when we got to the arena, they took them away. Anyways, Sarah then said “Oh, dude check your emails”. When I did, there was one that said, ‘ CONGRATS BIEBER FAN!’   We didn’t even open the email and me and Sarah started to jump up and down and screaming! I can’t explain how EXCITED we were. But I did have some doubts. Doubts that we won’t meet Justin, because of the lame Indonesian promoters. I was so scared they’d get in the way! The day of the concert, wow! We were so excited. I went with course Sarah, my sister, a family friend and her mum, and another family friend. Even thought the concert was not until 8pm, we set off from my house at around 11 am. When we got there, I was ecstatic. Not only would I be meeting JUSTIN BIEBER in a few hours but I have never seen so much beliebers in my whole life. It was great! People did keep looking at Sarah & I, I think because we were like the only ones not in head to toe purple! When we got to the grounds, we decided to ask around for the Bieber meet & greets. We asked promoters, press, sponsors, EVERYONE. “No, I have no idea what you’re talking about. No. I don’t know. Go ask another person. No. No. NOOOOO.” I was getting frustrated how it was disorganized. Then I met Thia, a person I only met that morning on Twitter because she had won the contest too! Finally a person came out holding envelopes that consisted of the wristbands! We went in the venue and met these two other girls, Julia and Nanda. They too had won the contest. Nanda, being the extremely lucky one, saw Alfredo. DUDE I LOVE ALFREDO! When I went into the room, I wasn’t thinking, I was in awe. I smiled for the picture (I’m the tall one on the left) and watched the two oldies that had been in the picture go out. Moment of glory. Seeing his small, gorgeous, fair face and soft hair. I didn’t spaz or anything. I didn’t do anything. I was in SHOCK. Thank god i had the courage to ask him for a hug. I said thank you so much Justin, and he was like no problem. Did Justin Bieber really say that to me? Yes he did! We skipped out the room like maniacs, covering our mouths. As Sarah and I were waiting to go in the concert room, we couldn’t keep quiet. When we saw my sister, we couldn’t help but scream “WE HUGGED JUSTIN BIEBER!” Of course we got looks and attention from everyone. We watched the concert drooling over the OLLG performance. I was the OLLG btw. LOL JK. Sarah and I went home happy beliebers, believing that the cliche never say never is real. So guys, NEVER SAY NEVER! If you dream just big enough like me, things can happen. Even if it was just for 2 seconds. My dream came true. I had made a new years resolution list earlier in the year, one of the them being this. The one that seemed most impossible became possible. At 13, I achieved my life goal. See the rest here: It was the 20th of April (the concert was on the 23rd) and me,…

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It was the 20th of April (the concert was on the 23rd) and me,…

Next Bond movie officially announced

NOW that MGM has worked through most of its money problems, the 23rd James Bond movie is finally back on track.

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Next Bond movie officially announced

Moment of Kids’ Choice Awards: Katy Perry

Katy Perry arrives in on the red carpet to the 23rd annual Kids’ Choice Awards wearing a short mini custom dress by The Blonds and matching Louboutin wedges. Image via Just Jared Continue reading

Kristin Cavallari’s Cleavage For Her Birthday

Here’s Kristin Cavallari looking pretty damn hot at her 23rd birthday party over the weekend. She’s doing her best to flash some cleavage, but I guess we’re going to have to wait until next year to see if she gets that new set of boobs I’ve been waiting for

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Kristin Cavallari’s Cleavage For Her Birthday

Heidi Montag Gets a Puppy for Her Birthday

The Hills star celebrates her 23rd with a fluffy surprise she names after Dolly Parton

See original here:
Heidi Montag Gets a Puppy for Her Birthday