Don Cheadle Weds Longtime Girlfriend Congrats are in order for friend to the site, Don Cheadle ! The actor recently jumped the broom with his partner of over two decades, Bridgid Coulter. The couple has been together since 1992 and have two children. Don has reportedly referred to Bridgid as his wife for years, but they never had the real paperwork on file…until now. Rumor has it that Don and Bridgid tied the knot on the low several days ago, and are now living in happily wedded bliss in the home they’ve shared for years. Well…25 years in and two kids later, now is as good a time as any, right?? Congrats to the happy couple on making it all the way official! WENN
Tyrese Writes Open Letter To Donald Trump About Racism Tyrese is fed up with presidental candidate Donald Trump!! The actor recently penned this open letter to the bigot billionaire for igniting violent hate crimes against Muslims and even compared Trump to Adolf Hilter in a passionate Instagram post: Do you think Tyrese is right about his comments to Trump?? Continue reading →
Ferguson Activists Continue To Protest Injustice After Police Shootings Of course they’re undeterred. Probably because they didn’t have anything to do with it… The Huffington Post reports: As the hunt for suspects in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, extended into a third day, activists took the first steps on Saturday to force the mayor out of office while residents awaited signs of progress in the investigation. A group called Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) said it is starting a petition to recall Mayor James Knowles. He is one of the few senior city officials remaining after the police chief, a municipal judge and others resigned following a U.S. Department of Justice report March 4 depicting a Ferguson police force mired in racial bias. An uneasy quiet prevailed in the St. Louis suburb, in contrast with the mayhem that erupted near midnight on Thursday when gunshots rang out during a protest rally, wounding a pair of officers. Police arrested two people on Saturday night in neighboring St. Louis when about 70 protesters tried to block a street, a Reuters witness said. They were later released. The shooting on Thursday sent a fresh jolt of tension through a city that has become a symbol of racial conflict since a black teenager was killed by a white police officer last August and a grand jury returned no criminal charges. “There has been a lot of outrage here over the past seven months,” Montague Simmons, executive director of OBS, explaining why activists were determined to press ahead with their demands. “We feel this could be a moment of transformation where people go from being outraged to being involved.” There’s also some chatter about lack of evidence of these police shootings. Could the Ferguson PD have made the whole thing up????? It’s not as far fetched as it seems… Hmmmmmmm…what do YOU think???
Is Tyrese Appearing On “Empire”??? Could there be a Jody/Yvette reunion in the works on an upcoming episode of “Empire” ??? Well if Tyrese has any say in it, than the answer to that question is ‘yes’. The actor recently took to Instagram in character as Jody from “Baby Boy” to express his disgust at his “b****” Yvette getting “felt up on” on “Empire” and is going to get her back. Ooooh! That’s not all that happened however, what does Cookie’s security boo Malcom/Derek Luke think about this??? Hit the flip.
Liam Hemsworth is doing his best to distract attention today from the hate being rained down all over fiancee Miley Cyrus . The actor recently told Jimmy Kimmel that he and Hunger Games co-star Josh Hutcherson once bonded over a shared meal of White Castle burgers… a shared meal that ended up bring vomited all over the place, that is. What inspired the trip to this fast food joint? And why does White Castle now want to offer Liam $20,000, while also inducting him into its Hall of Fame? And what the heck is White Castle doing with a Hall of Fame? Click Play for at least a few answers: Liam Hemsworth Offered Cash for Vomit Story
Robert Pattinson is feeling a little combative these days. The actor recently went off on the nickname of R. Patt and then followed that up in the same interview with The Guardian , focusing his ire on celebrity activities and especially singling out those who got involved with Occupy Wall Street. “I remember when Occupy happened in LA. I knew a bunch of actors who went down to it,” Pattinson said . “They all drove down there, because no one takes the train, and parked one stop away, because they didn’t want to be seen driving their free Audis, and then got on the train. “I was like, ‘What are you doing? You’re probably ruining it for the other people’. I guess that’s kind of a bubble; you want to say things, but you are being hypocritical. I’ve never really been in a position to give my opinion on political stuff before, it doesn’t really come up. But suddenly you’ve got to take an enormous amount of responsibility.” Pretty heavy stuff from Robert. If you prefer to think of the actor solely as eye candy, you’re in lucky: new Breaking Dawn photos have been released! [Photo:]