Tag Archives: sexiest-moments

#Unbothered: Ferguson Activists Remain Undeterred By Recent Police Shootings

Ferguson Activists Continue To Protest Injustice After Police Shootings Of course they’re undeterred. Probably because they didn’t have anything to do with it… The Huffington Post reports: As the hunt for suspects in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, extended into a third day, activists took the first steps on Saturday to force the mayor out of office while residents awaited signs of progress in the investigation. A group called Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) said it is starting a petition to recall Mayor James Knowles. He is one of the few senior city officials remaining after the police chief, a municipal judge and others resigned following a U.S. Department of Justice report March 4 depicting a Ferguson police force mired in racial bias. An uneasy quiet prevailed in the St. Louis suburb, in contrast with the mayhem that erupted near midnight on Thursday when gunshots rang out during a protest rally, wounding a pair of officers. Police arrested two people on Saturday night in neighboring St. Louis when about 70 protesters tried to block a street, a Reuters witness said. They were later released. The shooting on Thursday sent a fresh jolt of tension through a city that has become a symbol of racial conflict since a black teenager was killed by a white police officer last August and a grand jury returned no criminal charges. “There has been a lot of outrage here over the past seven months,” Montague Simmons, executive director of OBS, explaining why activists were determined to press ahead with their demands. “We feel this could be a moment of transformation where people go from being outraged to being involved.” There’s also some chatter about lack of evidence of these police shootings. Could the Ferguson PD have made the whole thing up????? It’s not as far fetched as it seems… Hmmmmmmm…what do YOU think???

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#Unbothered: Ferguson Activists Remain Undeterred By Recent Police Shootings

True Or False? Is Tyrese Appearing On ‘Empire’ As Jody To Smash Taraji’s ‘Cookie Cakes’ To Smithereens?

Is Tyrese Appearing On “Empire”??? Could there be a Jody/Yvette reunion in the works on an upcoming episode of “Empire” ??? Well if Tyrese has any say in it, than the answer to that question is ‘yes’. The actor recently took to Instagram in character as Jody from “Baby Boy” to express his disgust at his “b****” Yvette getting “felt up on” on “Empire” and is going to get her back.   Ooooh! That’s not all that happened however, what does Cookie’s security boo Malcom/Derek Luke think about this??? Hit the flip.

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True Or False? Is Tyrese Appearing On ‘Empire’ As Jody To Smash Taraji’s ‘Cookie Cakes’ To Smithereens?

True Or False? Is Tyrese Appearing On ‘Empire’ As Jody To Smash Taraji’s ‘Cookie Cakes’ To Smithereens?

Is Tyrese Appearing On “Empire”??? Could there be a Jody/Yvette reunion in the works on an upcoming episode of “Empire” ??? Well if Tyrese has any say in it, than the answer to that question is ‘yes’. The actor recently took to Instagram in character as Jody from “Baby Boy” to express his disgust at his “b****” Yvette getting “felt up on” on “Empire” and is going to get her back.   Ooooh! That’s not all that happened however, what does Cookie’s security boo Malcom/Derek Luke think about this??? Hit the flip.

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True Or False? Is Tyrese Appearing On ‘Empire’ As Jody To Smash Taraji’s ‘Cookie Cakes’ To Smithereens?

All Signs Point to Kristen Stewart Nude in On the Road [VIDEO]

It’s been over a year since rumors started circulating that Kristen Stewart would be letting much more than her hair down as uninhibited teenage bride Marylou i n the film adaptation of On The Road . Of course, we’ve been let down by K-Stew before (Exhibit A: Welcome to the Rileys ), but now that On the Road has officially premiered at Cannes and the reviews are in, all signs point to four separate sex scenes in Kristen’s nude debut , which IndieWire reports is ” cruising into NC-17 territory in the thrusting department .” New York magazine reports that ” Stewart takes her top off so many times that even the perennially shirtless Taylor Lautner would be impressed…she and Hedlund go nude in their very first scenes in On the Road, and Stewart later takes part in a m

Be Sure to Watch Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 Tonight at 9:30/8:30 Central!

No, we aren’t getting a payout from ABC for that headline. Hell, we didn’t even get a gift basket for our trouble. The reason we’re telling you to watch Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 (Tonight at 9:30/8:30 Central on ABC!), starring Dreama Walker and Krysten Ritter (above), is because the Parents’ Television Council hates it. And we hate them. Bunch of busybodies. Anyway, here’s what the PTC said in a statement released yesterday: “The program is a sexist mixed-bag of hedonism, drug-use, alcohol abuse (including the main character plying a 13-year-old boy with alcohol to get him drunk) and explicit levels of promiscuity that are shocking even by today’s broadcast TV standards.” Again, that’s Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 , tonight at 9:30/8:30 Central on ABC. Want to really make the Parents’ Television Council mad? Check out all of Dreama Walker and Krysten Ritter ‘s sexiest moments right here on MrSkin.com!

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Be Sure to Watch Don’t Trust the B—- in Apartment 23 Tonight at 9:30/8:30 Central!

Alcatraz’s Greatest Mystery: What’s Under Sarah Jones’ Bra? [PIC]

Not to be confused with the New York performance artist or the embattled Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader , Sarah Jones is the baby-faced blonde who stars in Lost creator J.J. Abrams ‘ new series Alcatraz on FOX. And while Sarah is hot enough to melt steel bars, unfortunately her awesome twosome has never been liberated from her shirt. Not even when she had the Huge Boobage Opportunity of co-starring on the HBO series Big Love , though she was kind enough to strip to her skivvies and give us a clue about the fleshy secrets contained within (left). So forget the polar bear or the time-traveling convicts or whatever misleading mystery Abrams has cooked up this time. We have one question, and one question alone: What’s under Sarah Jones ‘ bra? Go deeper with all of Sarah Jones ‘ sexiest moments right here at MrSkin.com!

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Alcatraz’s Greatest Mystery: What’s Under Sarah Jones’ Bra? [PIC]

Comedienne Elizabeth Banks Finds Sex "Horrifyingly Embarrasing"

All Elizabeth Banks had to do to make her name as a comedienne was appear in the cult hit Wet Hot American Summer (2001). Fridge humping, anyone? But since then, she’s rounded out her resume with roles in The 40-year-Old Virgin (2005), Role Models (2008), and Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008), making her officially one of the filthiest funny ladies working today. But despite her raunchy rep, Elizabeth tells Esquire magazine that she’s still mortified by the horizontal tango: “I mean, let’s be honest: It’s a very primal thing that you’re doing and it involves, you know – it’s what they call bumping uglies, which sort of puts it in the right place. It’s a horrifyingly embarrassing act. It’s the most vulnerable you can be as a person, I think.” That isn’t to say she won’t mine that embarrassment for comedy: “I am never embarrassed by something that makes people laugh,” she says about her kinky character in The 40-Year-Old-Virgin . See all the sexiest moments from Elizabeth Banks – including her nip slip in Sexual Life (2005)- right here on MrSkin.com!

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Comedienne Elizabeth Banks Finds Sex "Horrifyingly Embarrasing"

Does Hustler Have a Rihanna Sex Tape Stashed Away?

Depends on who you ask. Hustler magazine is now claiming that they have in their sweaty, sticky little hands a tape of Barbadian beauty Rihanna in the buff. (No mention of how they got it, however.) The video allegedly shows Ri-ri getting skintimate with her former opening act, rapper J-Cole . A Hustler representative confirmed the rumors yesterday: “Hustler are in possession of the Rihanna and J-Cole tape. We have seen it and we do not know what we are going to do with it yet.” Rihanna has yet to officially bare her ass-ets on screen, so releasing a sex tape of the seductive star would be a major coup for Hustler – assuming, of course, it really is her. For their part, Rihanna’s people are playing it cool: “Rihanna is surprised because there is no sex tape.” Skin Central just wants to know- is there any S&M on the tape? See all the sexiest moments from video vixen Rihanna right here on MrSkin.com!

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Does Hustler Have a Rihanna Sex Tape Stashed Away?