Ferguson Activists Continue To Protest Injustice After Police Shootings Of course they’re undeterred. Probably because they didn’t have anything to do with it… The Huffington Post reports: As the hunt for suspects in the shooting of two police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, extended into a third day, activists took the first steps on Saturday to force the mayor out of office while residents awaited signs of progress in the investigation. A group called Organization for Black Struggle (OBS) said it is starting a petition to recall Mayor James Knowles. He is one of the few senior city officials remaining after the police chief, a municipal judge and others resigned following a U.S. Department of Justice report March 4 depicting a Ferguson police force mired in racial bias. An uneasy quiet prevailed in the St. Louis suburb, in contrast with the mayhem that erupted near midnight on Thursday when gunshots rang out during a protest rally, wounding a pair of officers. Police arrested two people on Saturday night in neighboring St. Louis when about 70 protesters tried to block a street, a Reuters witness said. They were later released. The shooting on Thursday sent a fresh jolt of tension through a city that has become a symbol of racial conflict since a black teenager was killed by a white police officer last August and a grand jury returned no criminal charges. “There has been a lot of outrage here over the past seven months,” Montague Simmons, executive director of OBS, explaining why activists were determined to press ahead with their demands. “We feel this could be a moment of transformation where people go from being outraged to being involved.” There’s also some chatter about lack of evidence of these police shootings. Could the Ferguson PD have made the whole thing up????? It’s not as far fetched as it seems… Hmmmmmmm…what do YOU think???
Excerpt from:
#Unbothered: Ferguson Activists Remain Undeterred By Recent Police Shootings