Tag Archives: actually-doin

Employee at an Investment Firm Likes Miranda Kerr in GQ of the Day

This is a funny video of some boring interview on the news made good by the employee in the backgound checking out pictures of Miranda Kerr from her GQ shoot, while some other employee was doing an on-air interview, proving that people who work in offices hate their fucking lives look at pictures of half naked chicks as often as they can to distract them from the hell that they are living instead of actually doin’ the boring fucking work they are paid to do…

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Employee at an Investment Firm Likes Miranda Kerr in GQ of the Day

Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfriend Lesbian Kiss of the Day

I love how Megan Foxes destiny to be a pornstar some how managed to escape her so she’s made a career out of the cocktease. In her recent movie Jennifer’s Body she kisses some other chick, and it’s not clear whether Megan Fox is actually doin the kissing or if they just hired Lohan to do the stand in, since lesbian kissing is what she does, but I do know she’s in her panties, an outfit everyone thought would be best for the scene to make it believable, and by believable I mean, worth watching despite how shit it obviosuly is, proving that Megan Fox is just being used to sell tickets to a shitty movie and despite thinking she’s over-hyped, I’m ok with it because if I wasn’t, I’d probably be gay or pretending to be gay since real fags who are comfortable with their sexuality can appreciate how hot this is and only the overcompensating fags pretending to be gay for fashion reasons would think this is gross…..Either way, watch it.

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Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfriend Lesbian Kiss of the Day