Tag Archives: actually-owned

You Are Literally Hitler

[ Editor's Note : This Barney Frank thing really has legs, people. Here's the latest in what will hopefully be a series of intellectual conversations between Hitler and a dining room table.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

My Husband Is Annoying

Link: http://myhusbandisannoying.com/ A NYC wife writes a blog about how annoying her husband is. It's kinda fucked up, but it's all in good fun

Read more here:
My Husband Is Annoying


Link: http://www.levinaked.com/ After Levi Johnston told an interviewer that he would be open to posing nude for the right price, a site called StraightCollegeMen.com has offered to pay Levi for $25,000 for a solo jerk-off video.
