Tag Archives: barney-frank

Kush Chronic-les: Lawmakers Propose “Truth In Trials Act” To Protect Legal Medical “Green Yahmean” Users Against Federal Prosecution

If you’ve got a “green card”, then this story is for you! Lawmakers Propose “Truth In Trials Act” To Protect Medicinal Marijuana Users From Prosecution A bipartisan group of House lawmakers introduced a bill this week designed to create enhanced legal protections for valid medical marijuana patients prosecuted due to conflicting state and federal laws regarding the legality of the substance. Under the Truth In Trials Act, sponsored by California Democratic Rep. Sam Farr and co-sponsored by other representatives such as Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Ron Paul (R-Texas), state-licensed medical marijuana users would be given the right to provide an “affirmative defense” in the case of a federal prosecution. This effectively allows them to prove that their actions, while illegal at the federal level, were in fact protected under state law. “Any person facing prosecution or a proceeding for any marijuana-related offense under any federal law shall have the right to introduce evidence demonstrating that the marijuana-related activities for which the person stands accused were performed in compliance with state law regarding the medical use of marijuana, or that the property which is subject to a proceeding was possessed in compliance with state law regarding the medical use of marijuana,” the bill reads. The legislation also lays out specific language stating that cannabis plants grown legally under state law may not be seized. Under the legislation, marijuana and other property confiscated in the process of a prosecution must also be maintained — not destroyed — and returned to the defendant if they are able to prove it was for a use accepted by the state. The latest version of the Truth In Trials Act comes as federal crackdowns on dispensaries in medical marijuana states continue to surge. Last week, federal officials targeted one of the nation’s largest pot shops. The meat and potatoes of the law reads as follows: (a) Any person facing prosecution or a proceeding for any marijuana-related offense under any Federal law shall have the right to introduce evidence demonstrating that the marijuana-related activities for which the person stands accused were performed in compliance with State law regarding the medical use of marijuana, or that the property which is subject to a proceeding was possessed in compliance with State law regarding the medical use of marijuana. (b)(1) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution or proceeding under any Federal law for marijuana-related activities, which the proponent must establish by a preponderance of the evidence, that those activities comply with State law regarding the medical use of marijuana. Legal pot-smokers being protected by bipartisan, law-making, politicians?? My, how America has changed… Image via Shutterstock/AP Source

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Kush Chronic-les: Lawmakers Propose “Truth In Trials Act” To Protect Legal Medical “Green Yahmean” Users Against Federal Prosecution

Survivor Winner Crowned, New Season Announced

It was ladies night on Survivor: One World yesterday, as five women battled for the $1 million grand prize on the season 24 finale. But – no offense to Chelsea, Sabrina, Alicia or Christina – these final few episodes have really been all about Kim Spradlin, who dominated as few before her have, earning the votes of the contest-filled jury AND the $100,000 reward as the Fan Favorite. The only question isn’t whether Kim deserved to win it all, but where she now ranks among all-time Survivor greats such as Boston Rob ( Survivor: Redemption Island ), Brian Heidik ( Survivor: Thailand ) and Tom Westman ( Survivor: Palau )? Jeff Probst, meanwhile, announced that season 25 would take Survivor to the Philippines, where three previous contestants who left their editions early due to injury will return. Watch a preview for what’s to come and then read an extended Survivor finale review at TV Fanatic: Survivor: Philippines Trailer

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Survivor Winner Crowned, New Season Announced

Lady Gaga: NOT Engaged to Taylor Kinney (or Anyone Else For That Matter)

Relax, 24 million monsters. It’s just a joke. Despite a picture posted to photographer friend Terry Richardson’s blog with the caption “showing off her new engagement ring,” Lady Gaga is single. One can see how confusion might arise, but rest assured, our girl is really not engaged to recent ex Taylor Kinney or anyone else for that matter. Richardson, whose job is apparently to produce viral content like Lindsay Lohan pics or the Kate Upton “Cat Daddy” video, posted the photo on Sunday. The two have been collaborating on a new book of Lady Gaga photos, which is how this image – of her showing off a massive diamond ring – came to be. Gaga and Kinney ( The Vampire Diaries, Chicago Fire ) had been dating for the better part of a year, but reportedly broke up for good a few weeks back. Friday, Richardson also posted a photo of Gaga wearing nothing but black tape on one of her nipples. Check it out in our gallery of Lady Gaga pics !

The rest is here:
Lady Gaga: NOT Engaged to Taylor Kinney (or Anyone Else For That Matter)

Mark Zuckerberg Targets Facebook Mobile Growth

Controversy over Mark Zuckerberg’s hoodie abated Friday as he turned investors’ attention to more important matters at a presentation in Palo Alto, Calif. Chief among them? Improving Facebook’s mobile application . About 200 investors showed up at an IPO presentation to quiz Zuckerberg about generating revenue from mobile users, crucial for long-term fiscal growth. Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, said overall advertising is gaining steam, with most marketers increasing their spending with Facebook. The executives, who appeared on stage alongside CFO David Ebersman, highlighted social ads as an important tool for Facebook to tackle mobile challenges. The ads, incorporating information about Facebook users’ friends who “like” certain products, are better-suited to the smaller screens of smartphones. More than half of Facebook’s users currently use it from phones. As Facebook collects more information about its users, such as location data, Facebook will be able to offer more relevant mobile ads, executives said. Facebook aims to raise about $10.6 billion via its initial public offering, dwarfing Google’s recent IPO and giving it a market value around $96 billion. The Facebook IPO marks a watershed moment for the new generation of startups that are challenging established players such as Google and Yahoo. Consumers’ online time – and advertising dollars – are very much the future. With 900 million users, Facebook is the world’s dominant social network. Zuckerberg, the 28-year-old CEO, was Time Magazine ‘s Person of the Year in 2010 and was depicted in the fictionalized 2010 movie The Social Network .

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Mark Zuckerberg Targets Facebook Mobile Growth

Barack Obama: The First Gay President!

In the mid-90s, author Toni Morrison famously referred to Bill Clinton as “the first black President” based on his empathy, efforts to foster broad socioeconomic equality and commitment to issues important to African-American community at large. Newsweek plays off this quote in its new cover story on President Barack Obama. Following Obama’s public support of same-sex marriage , he has been dubbed The First Gay President … in a manner of speaking of course: While Obama’s statement was groundbreaking and bold, will his “coming out” on behalf of gay marriage even make a different in November’s election? “If you were going to cast your vote based on a candidate’s position regarding same-sex marriage, you were already going to vote for Obama [or] Romney based on that,” Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank said on ABC’s This Week . “I literally don’t think anybody’s vote was changed one way or the other.” In any case, Obama’s end to “evolving” on gay marriage will continue to generate critical comment, and not all of it positive, even from the left. “His embrace of gay marriage was not a profile in courage,” New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote, taking issue with adulation shown toward the President (such as on the cover above) more than anything. “Even when he does the right thing, by the time he does it and in the way he does it, he drains away excitement and robs himself of the admiration he would otherwise be due … Why doesn’t he just do the exhilarating thing immediately?” “Why does he have to be dragged kicking and screaming to principle?” With Obama’s face pictured looking skyward and a rainbow-colored halo above his head, the controversial cover leads to a story written by openly gay writer Andrew Sullivan, a self-described political conservative. The boundary-pushing May 21 Newsweek issue featuring Obama, available Monday, comes after Time magazine’s breastfeeding cover last week, which featured an attractive 26-year-old mother nursing her toddler son. The cover sparked strong reactions across the world last week and led a Newsweek spokesperson to tell the New York Post that the magazine’s editor Tina Brown had viewed the cover as a challenge. “When Tina saw the Time cover, she laughed and said, ‘Let the games begin,'” the spokesperson told the Post . Game on.

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Barack Obama: The First Gay President!

Nicola Roberts: ‘Yo-Yo’ Video Premiere!


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Nicola Roberts has just premiered the video for her wonderful new single “Yo-Yo.” The track serves as the third official single from her debut album “Cinderella’s Eyes.” The Nicola and Dimitri Tikovoi-penned track is easily one of the best songs off the album and I’m so happy its been given the video treatment. “Yo-Yo” has a pretty simple concept, but it actually really works in its favor. Team Ginge… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : ALI’S BlOg Discovery Date : 30/11/2011 10:00 Number of articles : 2

Nicola Roberts: ‘Yo-Yo’ Video Premiere!

Barney Frank Caused Millions To Contract HIV/AIDS, Says Brian Fischer


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Congressman Barney Frank is the subject of a hate-filled screed by Bryan Fischer who suggested that Frank is responsible for millions of people contracting HIV/AIDS. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 30/11/2011 15:54 Number of articles : 2

Barney Frank Caused Millions To Contract HIV/AIDS, Says Brian Fischer

Video: The Last Best Hope

A new video chronicling how Americans feel and what they should do about it in November is out today. However, this video doesn’t come from any large organization but, instead, it comes from a small business owner and conservative activist . For more information and some thoughts on this video check out this post at the Eyeblast blog .

See the rest here:
Video: The Last Best Hope

Lady Gaga Speaks At National Equality March

She's actually very composed and articulate except for a brief primal scream directed at Obama. Points for the weird Barney Frank reference. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

You Are Literally Hitler

[ Editor's Note : This Barney Frank thing really has legs, people. Here's the latest in what will hopefully be a series of intellectual conversations between Hitler and a dining room table.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment