Roseanne Barr on Friday said leaders of the Nazi Party such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Heinrich Himmler were all Jewish. In the comedienne’s latest anti-Semitic rant , she also claimed that many Palestinians are Jewish and were “driven out of their homes by a cheney-ized [sic] Judeo Christian Bushite America.” Further demonstrating her serious need for counseling, Barr said Nazi scientists “successfully created a mutant human–a hybrid of Jewish mentality and German Resolve, the Zionist.” Readers are cautioned before proceeding as this is seriously disturbed stuff (h/t NB reader Consigliere5): Many of the Palestinian people are jewish and became christian after Israel stole their land and homes. They were dark skinned, and so driven out of their homes by a cheney-ized Judeo Christian Bushite America. the jewish american socialists are sending a flotilla from america to break the blockade of the anti-semitic zionists in Gaza! Zionists are German. weird hybrid. In order to defeat euro socialism, Hitler leveraged the rich jewish industrialists against the working class jews. The Russian accounts say that the last trains to Auschwitz were first class, as that is all the leverage left to the jewish oligarchs within the ‘reich’, (other than the jews like Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler at the top). The scientists of the Reich successfully created a mutant human–a hybrid of Jewish mentality and German Resolve, the Zionist– He who broke the back of the labor movements and socialism,— which is the goal of National Socialism—(different word for the American Southern Confederacy-the one Anne Coulter loves). Seriously, this woman needs psychiatric attention and fast. Exit question: Does Barr really believe this nonsense, or does she go off on one of these absurd rants every now and then to draw attention to herself?
Excerpt from:
Roseanne Barr: Nazi Leaders Hitler, Goebbels and Himmler Were Jewish