Tag Archives: after-miller

A Lil Positivity: African Billionaire Tony Elumelu Launches $100 Million Program To Help Black Businesses

Tony Elumelu Launches $100 Million Program To Help Black Businesses Tony Elumelu, an attributed philanthropist and African billionaire has just launched a program to help African American businesses under his Toney Elumelu Foundation according to Financial Juneteenth : In 2014, Elumelu, along with other prominent American and African business moguls, partnered to form a summit in Washington DC that consisted of more than 45 African and American business heads, along with 50 African business leaders. The common theme of the platform was to see to the improvement in the economic stance of Africans, as well as African-Americans, and to create advancement opportunities for all who interacted. The vision set forth by Tony Elumelu is one that he believes merges more than simple aid; it creates a solid partnership between Africa and the U.S. It’s the beginning of a business journey that takes a different, but more rewarding, path for all of those invested. The trip to Africa taken by President Obama was another key indicator that steps are being taken in the right directions to strengthen business ventures between Africa and America. These attempts coexist with The Tony Elumelu Foundation as it extends its principles for growth to businesses owned or started by women and minorities. The most significant move, by far, is the entrepreneurship program that The Tony Elumelu Foundation will spearhead. It is designed on a financial standing of $100,000,000 to be disbursed among entrepreneurs throughout the U.S and Africa. This newly formed relationship between Africa and the U.S is one that can create a positive mode of growth for African American entrepreneurs who stay the course and take the route the foundation has designed. Investing in Black entrepreneurs and businesses is a great way to see the community grow! Discuss. Continue reading

Out Of Pocket: Officer Involved In Sandra Bland Case Tasers Black Texas Councilman

SMH… Texas Councilman Jonatan Miller Tasered A Texas councilman is making national headlines after he says he was unlawfully tasered outside his home. Jonathan Miller was arrested October 8 in Prairie View, Texas when officers stopped to question four men at his house in area where there was “drug activity.” After Miller says he stepped outside to defuse the situation, he was tasered by two officers–one of which is believed to have been involved in the arrest of Sandra Bland. Today.com reports: “I don’t feel like I did any of the things that I’m accused of,” councilman Jonathan Miller told NBC News. “I don’t feel like I should have been detained, or you know, arrested or anything.” Dramatic videos taken by one of Miller’s friends and the body camera worn by one of the police officers shows Miller, 26, being taken down by a Taser on Oct. 8. The incident involved a Prairie View officer with ties to Sandra Bland, who was found dead in her jail cell this summer. Miller insists he did nothing wrong, while police say he was Tasered for failing to comply with their orders. Police say they were on a routine patrol when they stopped at Miller’s house and approached four men for questioning in an area they say has often been found to be involved with drug activity. In the video, a male and female officer try to get him to put his hands behind his back and he refuses before being Tasered. “I knew the officer, (and) she knew me, so I figured if I let her know these are my guests, (it would) kind of lessen the tension,” Miller said. Miller has been charged with interfering with police and resisting arrest. The police are promising a full investigation. Wow! Even councilmen aren’t safe. What do YOU think about police harassing Jonathan Miller??/ Continue reading

WATCH: David Fincher’s Kickstarter Campaign For ‘The Goon’ Has A Trailer Just For You!

David Fincher  can’t help but direct. The Social Network  and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo  helmsman does what he does best and bosses around a couple of guys from Blur Studio in this Kickstarter campaign video for an animated adaptation of Eric Powell’s very cool comic-book series  The Goon .  Fincher, who’s teamed up with Powell, Goon publisher Dark Horse Entertainment  and Blur directors, Tim Miller and Jeff Fowler,  joins those last two men in the clip to attempt to raise $400,000 so that they can produce a finished first reel of the film.  And he’s not about to leave the driving to them. After Miller and Fowler begin their appeal, Fincher bigfoots the two guys and decides that a series of niche spots are the way to go. He then proceeds to sell Powell’s world of  zombies, vampires, fish-men and giant squid to Little Orphan Annie fans, liberals (“Put a caring man back in the White House”), conservatives (“Put the right man in the White House”) and arch conservatives (“Put a white man back in the White House”) as well as fans of hip hop, R-rated movies and movie trailers. Okay, so the humor is pretty lame, but the footage included in the Kickstarter clip (via FirstShowing.net )  is beautifully bad-ass and features voice work by Clancy Brown as the Goon and Paul Giamatti as Franky’s swashbuckling pupil-less friend Franky. (Now do you get the Little Orphan Annie reference? )  The airborne car scene with Franky spraying machine-gun fire from the hood of a sweet convertible muscle car is dreamy. [ FirstShowing.net ] There’s also this “proof of concept” video. Good stuff. Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter.

Go here to see the original:
WATCH: David Fincher’s Kickstarter Campaign For ‘The Goon’ Has A Trailer Just For You!

Sienna Miller: Now, That’s The Tooth!

Anna Wintour and Sienna Miller showed up to the premiere of Wintour’s documentary September Issue… but things weren’t always so pleasant between the dueling fashion divas

Sienna Miller: Now, That’s The Tooth!