Tag Archives: agreement-which

L.A. Dodgers Owner: Jamie’s Claim is Ridiculous

Filed under: Jamie McCourt , Frank McCourt , Celebrity Justice , Dirty Divorces , TMZ Sports Frank McCourt is scoffing at his estranged wife’s claim that he somehow defrauded her by inserting a document into an agreement which strips her of ownership of the L.A. Dodgers . As TMZ first reported, Jamie claims Frank defrauded her by inserting a… Read more

L.A. Dodgers Owner: Jamie’s Claim is Ridiculous

Oksana Grigorieva Walked Away From $15 Million Settlement Involving Mel Gibson Tapes

A shocking new report suggests that Oksana Grigorieva agreed to a $15 million deal with Mel Gibson that would have kept their now-infamous tapes secret. Even more shocking? That she ultimately left it on the table. During child custody mediations in May, their lawyers worked out a financial deal for her to receive $15 million in child support, a house and other assets. The two have an eight-month-old daughter, Lucia. Oksana promised something in return for the deal – all “evidence” in the case would remain confidential. The “evidence” includes the Mel Gibson tapes , which Oksana’s lawyers played parts of for Mel’s lawyers. The n-word rant was not played at the mediation. A source close to the matter tells TMZ: “The tapes loomed large … the word ‘tapes’ was never used in the agreement, but it was central to the deal .” Oksana Grigorieva and Mel Gibson both signed a “short form agreement,” a bare-bones contract outlining the broad components the custody settlement. The lawyers then drafted a long form agreement which contained specifics, but at that point she refused to sign the deal, claiming that she felt coerced. Mel never paid Oksana under the deal, as the short contract didn’t spell out the specifics of payment and Oksana refused to sign the longer one that did. Meanwhile, some of Grigorieva’s text messages to Gibson have surfaced that could make their secretly-recorded conversations inadmissible in court. Oksana clearly recorded the conversations without Mel’s knowledge, and if a person isn’t told the conversation is being recorded, it’s not admissible. Of course, if she feared for her safety and believed the call related to the commission of a felony (and he did threaten to kill her ), it’s a legal gray area. However, reports say she sent Mel several text messages in which she states she recorded the phone calls because Mel didn’t keep his part of the deal. Mel’s lawyers will likely use Oksana’s texts to prove she was after money. Her side counters that if she were after money, she would have just signed. What do you think?

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Oksana Grigorieva Walked Away From $15 Million Settlement Involving Mel Gibson Tapes