Tag Archives: alfredo-flores

It was Monday the 17th of October 2011, the date of Justin…

It was Monday the 17th of October 2011 , the date of Justin Bieber’s concert in Peru . My sister and I had gotten out of school early to go meet him. We went to the National Stadium and waited for a couple of hours. For me, meeting Justin was something incredible, I had a really tough year in 2011 and 2010 and when I finally met him, it was the best thing that had happend to me after my mother died in 2010. Justin if you ever read this, thank you so much for making me believe again!  Okay so back to waiting, I was so anxious! I thought I was going to pass out when I saw him! I literally didn’t eat anything that day! Finally, a man came and told us that we were finally gonna go meet him! I was sooooooo nervous! My phone was blowing up, it wouldn’t stop getting texts! My sister and I got to go in to meet him first. We got into his dressing room or whatever room it was (it was sort of tent material). We sat down and waited for like 10 minutes or so. Suddenly I saw 2 hands  on the other side of the “wall”. At first I thought it was another fan messing with us, but I finally realized that we were the first ones going in! The hands started moving so we got up and got excited and touched the hands, when suddenly the door opened and Alfredo Flores got in and behind him was  JB!! He hugged my sister and then he hugged me and asked us if we thought it was him doing the hand thingy and he laughed.  I was so nervous that I dont remember much of what happend but this is what I mostly remember. He asked us what was our favorite song, my sister said, “Love Me” he asked us if we had heard ‘Mistletoe’ and I said, “Yes!! I just bought it today! I love it!!!” (Mistletoe came out that day). He smiled and got excited and high fived me.  After that I told him that I followed him on Twitter but he never followed me back, he said ‘AWW’ and hugged me and said, “I have to many people!” I replied, “I know, it’s okay” and he smiled at me! After that we took some pictures and the security guard  told us to leave, but Justin said, “No, it’s okay, let them stay!” I was soo excited!! After a while we left and I just couldn’t believe what just happend!  The concert started a few hours later, we where in the first row. There was one part in the concert when Justin got down the stage to touch his fan’s hands and when he got to me he stopped! He smiled and touched my hand!! My brain was like arkhllkhalhakh! “JUSTIN BIEBER JUST RECOGNIZED ME” I was in shock… well, I still am! So yeah, that’s my Bieber experience, but finally I want to thank JB for teaching us to NEVER SAY NEVER and DREAM BIG because dreams really do come true. -@kcastillab   See the rest here: It was Monday the 17th of October 2011, the date of Justin…

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It was Monday the 17th of October 2011, the date of Justin…

On Tuesday night I arrived in Madrid and went to sleep with…

On Tuesday night I arrived in Madrid and went to sleep with friends at the airport.  Even knowing that Justin would not come until Friday morning, I could not move from there.  Many Beliebers waited too, but they eventually came out the other terminal.  In the afternoon, meets & greets were at the hotel, so everyone knew about it and went.  From a distance, we saw a wave of screaming girls and we joined them.  I sat with my friends by the back door and up the street we saw Alfredo Flores. He stood with everyone, took pictures and everyone was smiling.  I told him I was from Argentina. M ore and more people entered the hotel, next was Dan Kanter and Justin’s teacher. I became more convinced that Justin was inside.   All of a sudden all you could hear was, “Justin!  Justin”, and there he was, next to Kenny, waving from the glass, with a grayish, brown jersey and a beautiful smile .  I do not know how many people were there, but all thought the same.  A crowd ran down to the garage door where there were guards and police.  You could see Justin in the third car with a hood on.  Everyone left but my friend and I stayed at the hotel where we spent the coldest night of history .  In the morning, we saw the white-haired bodyguard of Justin’s. I cried, ran and gave him a hug, we took a picture and he talked with us.  He told us that Justin was asleep. I could not stop to mourn.  He offered us something hot to drink and went out and talked to us .  It started to dawn and three vans parked in front of the hotel.  My heart was racing and all were very nervous.  As they put the bags inside, people of Justin’s team came down for breakfast.  Dan Kanter signed a page in my book.  Alfredo Flores took a picture with us, same with Carin, Scooter’s girlfriend. M y friend, Alfredo and I began to sing, “With you, shawty with you” and we laughed.  He told me he loved Argentina and we hugged.  We took more pictures. The people left inside were  Justin and Selena.  The gentle, white-haired bodyguard, came out and gave us good morning smile.  Each time we were closer and more nervous at a time. The elevator began to descend from the third floor letting us see a suitcase, and legs of a girl.  Selena and Justin.  When they saw us, Justin put his hood and told Selena that awaited him in the car.  I would think we were hated or something. She  put her hands in her pockets, looking down the car & walked faster.  I called her name, she looked up surprised and I hugged her, I told her I love her and she thanked me, smiling.  I saw that Justin took off his hood not seeing paparazzi and went to the van by us . I called out his name and we took a picture.  He was happy after seeing Selena wanted to, he could not stop smiling.  Selena signed my book.  Justin asked me if I had seen him before. I asked him if he remembered me, he said yes.  I screamed, I cried, I jumped to the ground. We took a group picture because he was  late . I was going to stand by his side, but I let a friend of mine do so because she had never seen him.  He went into the van and the couple sent us kisses, and finally they were off.  Thank you for the   opportunity   to see you again   because dreams   are fulfilled   and not just   once. – @tgvaleen Here is our video with Alfredo Read the original: On Tuesday night I arrived in Madrid and went to sleep with…

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On Tuesday night I arrived in Madrid and went to sleep with…

I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009….

I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009. Since 2007, I have always followed him on Youtube and also when he created Twitter. I am currently living with a life threatening heart condition known as Uhl’s Anomaly and I am awaiting a transplant. Since I was just 9 years old, now 19, I always contemplated the idea of a wish from the Make A Wish of America Foundation. I changed my mind a billion times, plus times for the past ten years and just couldn’t settle on one. Finally at the beginning of last year, I settled on a wish. My wish was to meet Justin Bieber. Make-a-Wish flew my family and I out to Cincinnati, Ohio.  The day finally arrived. The day of, we were driven by limo to the concert venue. We were brought backstage into his dressing room for a private meet and greet. I waited in the hallway for him to arrive more excited than I had ever been. I saw him walking towards me and couldn’t barely hold in the excitement. After he introduced himself, he invited us into his dressing room. While in there, he pulled out my chair and one for himself to sit next to me. We sat and talked for a while and I couldn’t stop smiling. He noticed my phone in my hand and asked if I would like to take a picture with it. Of course I said yes. Then we took pictures for a little while. I looked over and saw Sean Kingston sitting on the other couch. I couldn’t believe he was there too. Justin called him over and we all took pictures together. It was amazing. After signing some magazines and such for me, just as we were about to leave Justin told me to wait because he had a gift for me. He brought over a really big box. He opened it for me and inside was a brand new Epiphone guitar, which was an exact replica of the one he uses on tour. He signed my name with a heart and under it he wrote, “Never say Never” and also autographed it. He handed it to me and said never stop playing. We ended up taking some more pictures with the guitar. I was more excited because when taking the pictures, his arm was around me. I felt so special. This Make A Wish trip and thanks to Justin, for one day, I wasnt thinking about health issues or anything that was wrong. I was just happy. Ever since he wrote Never Say Never on my guitar, I live by it every day. I even have gone so far as getting it tattooed on my leg. Justin changed my life. What was really amazing about this whole experience was that I was his FIRST EVER Make A Wish kid. That made it even more special. Justin is such an inspiration to so many people, including myself. Now I’ll end it with this: I once finally got him to RT a quote I sent him on Twitter. He then became one of my followers. However, a few months later I was trying to direct message him and accidently blocked him instead. This removed him from my followers. So since, I have been trying to get him to follow me again. Luckily, I did. A few days ago he became a new follower of mine. I just want to say thank you to Justin for everything he has done and giving me something positive in my life at this time. He truly helps me through alot. I am currently in the hospital waiting for transplant and I even have a cardboard cut out of him in my room, along with posters and such. Thank you Justin, -@itskaylakelly Go here to read the rest: I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009….

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I first saw Justin play at a local mall in September of 2009….

Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not…

Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not only was I was going to meet the one and only Justin Bieber, but I was also going to meet my best friends that I made on Twitter , I was super excited about this. I was going to the concert and meet and greets for Miami 12-18-10 and in Tampa also 12-19-10. The day goes by, I meet my friends and gave one of them the news that she was going to meet Justin with me because she hadn’t met him before, she started crying as I told her I had picked her. Lol. The time arrives and we get to the American Airlines Arena, we pick up our meet and greet wristbands and go stand in line to meet Justin. Our time comes and we get lucky enough to have our solo picture with Justin. My friend walked up to him and basically tackled him ha-ha, I walked up to him, turned around and said, “Look Justin” (I was showing him my tattoo of him) Justin said, “What is that?” *He walks up closer to see clearly* I said, “It says NEVER SAY NEVER and OLLG at the bottom. Justin just stared at it and pointed to Kenny, who came closer and asks, “Wait what does it say?”So he reads it and starts saying how awesome my tattoo is. I look back at Justin and he goes, “Is it real?” I told him, “Yes of course it’s real!” and Justin backs away from me with a smile on his face and starts screaming ‘SWAGGER’ in the meet and greet room! Kenny and I were cracking up haha, so Justin put his arm around my friend and hugs me with the other one (while Justin just kept on saying about my tattoo: that’s amazing, that’s awesome, that’s amazing). We took the picture, I give him another hug and I walked away saying my goodbyes. Justin said, “Wait wait!..” I turned around and looked at him. He said, “What if you ever stop liking me?” I looked at him and said, “That’s never going to happen.” He did that smile that we all melt for and said “nah?” “Nope” and started laughing. Justin and I fist pumped so I was walking away and Kenny goes, “Hey! It was very nice meeting you”, I answered, “Same here Kenny! See ya at the show!” Later on, the show started, songs played, screams are all over the place. Then all of a sudden, I see Alfredo Flores walking up my way. I stop him and said, “LOOK AT MY TATTOO!” He looked at it and told me, “I’m going to take a picture of it”, I turned around and he takes the picture, he shows it to me to make sure I’m cool with it, I said yeah it’s fine, and the he says,  ”I’m going to show it to Justin” . At this point, I couldn’t BELIEBE what was happening to me. It was the time of the show where Justin turns on the lights to point out everyone he sees in the audience. I started jumping up and down pointing at my tattoo in hope of him seeing me, he did! Justin points at me and says, “I SEE YOU TATTOO GIRL”! *eekkkkk* The rest of the night my friends and I enjoyed the concert to the fullest. We got home and waited for the next day to do it all again in Tampa, FL. So the next day, we get to Tampa. As I’m in the meet & greet line, I walk into the room where Justin is. Kenny signals my group to go in, and as soon as he saw me, Kenny says, “What?!?! What are you doing here?” I said, “I just got here from Miami!” Kenny looks at me with the biggest “Omg she’s dedicated” face. At this point Justin had finished greeting the other girls, so when it was my turn, Kenny taps Justin on his shoulder and tells him, “Look Justin, it’s tattoo girl from yesterday!” Justin now sees me, he gives me a hug and patting my tattoo says, “What are you doing here?, yea I remember you, Alfredo showed me your picture from yesterday!” At this point I was in heaven! Justin and the crew knew me and Kenny had named me “Tattoo Girl”. We took the picture, walked out and we head out to our seats. I saw Alfredo walking my way, I stopped him, and said, “Hey Fredo! I’m here also!” The show starts and we have a great time! With an occasional “Hi” and “What’s up!” from Kenny as he walked around our section! Thank you Justin and the team for being there for us all the time and for everything that you do!!!!  -Steff aka Tattoo Girl -@ollgbelieber Go here to see the original: Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not…

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Back in 2010 was the start of the best weekend of my life. Not…

My name is Mary Jo and I’m 16 years old. It all started in…

My name is Mary Jo and I’m 16 years old. It all started in August when I bought tickets for JB’s concert with the BieberFever membership. I was in Platino 1 row 1 right next to the  platform  where Justin walked! The concert was on October 1st 2011! The day came and I was more than excited. I woke up, I got my hair done, I dressed in purple and at 4:00 pm we left the house. We arrived at the Foro Sol around 5:00 pm. The stadium was completely full. The stage was about 3 meters away from me and the platform was like 1 meter away from me, it was amazing, I couldn’t believe I was there and that I was going to see Justin Bieber! Alfredo Flores came out and I was screaming to him, “TE AMO”, he smiled and took pictures of my sister and I. Then on the huge screen, the countdown started, it was like 1:00 59 58 57…. 5 4 3 2 1!!! I was freaking out! Justin appeared and I was like OMB! He was so close!! I was really happy! When the concert was over and I arrived home,  I read that Justin was staying in the W Hotel in Polanco, that is a part of Mexico City. I asked my mom if we can go there the next day and she said yes. So the day after on October 2, we went to the W Hotel. It was really crowdy so my mom ended up making reservations. I saw Justin leaving the building and was shocked. Our reservation was at 9:30pm so we could see Biebs after his 2nd concert.  We went to eat and came back to the hotel at 9:20pm. Outside the hotel was lots of people, so security let us in because we had booked. Someone from security told me Justin would arrive at 10:30pm. At that hour, I saw him arriving in the hotel. I was in the balcony of the restaurant and all the girls outside the hotel started screaming and me too, haha I was like OMB he is here!! I went to the lobby and then a guy told me that the man next to me was of JB’s staff. I told him if he can give JB a letter I wrote and he said, “Yeah sure, I will give it to him personally!” My mom, my aunt and I were finishing our dinner and I was a lil disappointed because I didn’t have the opportunity to meet Justin or anyone in the Bieber Team. We were finishing dessert when a guy told me someone downstairs was signing autographs. I went downstairs and DAN KANTER was there! I just couldn’t believe it, so I took a picture with him and he give me his autograph. I said, “Dan you are the best” and he said, “You are the best too” Then RYAN GOOD appeared. He gave me his autograph and I took a picture with him too. After that I film a little video with Dan and Ryan. Later in the lobby, SCOOTER BRAUN  appeared!! OMB it was amazing, so I took a picture with him. Also he gave me his autograph and after that I saw KENNY HAMILTON ! Wow he hugged me and I was more shocked. Ryan came in the lobby again, he sat on a chair and smiled at me. He asked me what my name was. I said Mary Jo and he said nice meeting you! I asked if he liked Mexico City and he said, “Yeah MEXICO CITY TE AMO!” I talked to him for 8 minutes and like 4 minutes with Scooter! All of them are really nice, really polite and they have such a good heart. They dont act like celebrities, they are awesome!  I said goodbye to all of them. I finished my dessert and my mom paid the bill of the restaurant. After that we left the hotel I still couldnt believe it! It was the best day ever!! Thanks to all the Bieber Team, you guys r awesome!! That was my bieber experience, I hope you liked it. -@MJoBiebs Here is a video front row I took in Mexico City!   Video of Dan, Ryan and I    Autographs View post: My name is Mary Jo and I’m 16 years old. It all started in…

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My name is Mary Jo and I’m 16 years old. It all started in…

My name is Claudia and I have ALWAYS wanted to write my OWN…

My name is Claudia and I have ALWAYS wanted to write my OWN Bieber experience and I can’t believe I am saying this but, I did have MY BIEBER EXPERIENCE. It all began the day before the concert. Justin’s back up dancers Marvin and Nick were teaching a hip hop workshop that I went to. I had completely forgotten that the meet and greet e-mails would be sent, so in the middle of our break, luckily someone reminded me. As my e-mails were loading on my phone, I was talking to my friend saying “I don’t even know why im checking. I never win anything”. I then looked down and I saw “CONGRATULATIONS BIEBER FAN”. I didn’t know what to do, so I stormed out of the class with my phone and started to cry. I couldn’t believe this was happening to ME. After a night of no sleep, it was finally the day of the May 2nd Melbourne concert, the day I would meet my hero and inspiration. When we arrived to the arena a lady gave us special wristbands and we lined up back stage. Myself, my cousin and 2 other girls were the first group in line. A guy came out and said we could go in now. THIS WAS IT! The day that I have been waiting for three years had finally come. We walked into the room and at first I saw Nick. He was like “Hey I remember you from yesterday. Have fun”. Then next to Nick was ALFREDO! Alfredo tried to prank me but I just ended up being confused , it was sooo funny. Anyway the 2 girls who were with us had already walked over to Justin past the curtain so we quickly said goodbye to Alfredo and Nick and walked towards the curtain. My heart was beating so fast and I kept my promise that I wouldn’t scream or cry. I turned the corner and there I saw JUSTIN BIEBER! I swear he is the most amazing thing God has ever created. He looked and smiled at us and said ” Hey Ladies”. His voice gave me chills. We then joined onto the ends ready for the photo. After the photo was done I said thank you so many times. I expected Justin to be all out there but really he was completely different. When I walked past that curtain, I saw a boy just from Canada, it was as if he wasn’t famous at all. In actual fact he looked slightly shy and nervous, it was so cute. People expect Justin to be un-normal but really thats falsely evaluated, he is in fact normal like you and me. I witnessed it with my own eyes. Before we left, my cousin asked Justin if he could sing Happy Birthday to me but sadly he couldn’t because there was so many girls he had to greet. This is what he said “I would but I have so many girls to see so I can say it”. He then looked into my eyes and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!  It was amazing. I then asked Justin for a hug and he said of course. Every time I think about that hug, it makes me cry. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then he put his arms around my waist. He smelt so nice so i just leaned my head on his shoulder. After a bit he pulled away because if it was up to me we would be standing there all day . I AM NEVER WASHING THAT SHIRT AGAIN. I said thank you one last time and then left. BUT, I saw KENNY and I hugged him. He is so cute.  I remember I kept on saying OMG OMG OMG and then I said to myself. Why am I saying ‘Oh My God”. I shouldn’t be cursing because God is the reason why a door opened for me to meet Justin. The concert was absolutely amazing. Justin is such a talented person and i wish him all the luck in the world for the future. Justin is truly an inspiration to all, through everything he has done he has shown that dreams do come true. I lived out that motto that day because my dream did come true. I Never said Never and because of that, I met my hero.  Monday May 2nd of 2011 was by far the best day of my life and I will NEVER (yes I just used never there) EVER forget it. Justin if you’re reading this, I promise to be there till the very end and support you 100% in every decision you make. Please never change , I wanted to tell you this so much when I met you but I just couldn’t get anything out. So please stay you. I love you. -@itsclaudiaahere Read more: My name is Claudia and I have ALWAYS wanted to write my OWN…

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My name is Claudia and I have ALWAYS wanted to write my OWN…