Here is the original post:
My name is Rick and I have been a belieber since 2009 when Justin’s first single ‘One Time’ came out. I could not get tickets to the My World Tour because the tickets sold out very quickly. I knew for his next tour, I wanted to get tickets no matter what. I saved up since I knew I wasn’t going to his first tour. I also made sure I signed up for Bieberfever to get pre-sale access. I was not quick enough to get meet and greet tickets for the first leg of the tour but I got floor tickets. November 4th, 2012 was my first time seeing Justin in person. When I found out he was doing a second leg in the U.S, I was really happy to have a second chance to get meet and greet tickets. The exact time and day the tickets went on sale I put in ‘2 meet and greets’ and got them! I was so nervous that I was somehow going to lose them I was shaking during the whole check out process. When I finally paid for the tickets I can only describe to you as one of the best feelings of my life. After waiting 7 months, and after paying for the tickets, it was finally the day of the concert July 17th 2013 . It really did not hit me that I was meeting him until after the pre-party. Finally after waiting in a room for two hours Justin’s head pops through the curtain and everyone screamed. That moment was one of the moments I will not forget cause it was so real. Seeing his head pop out literally gave me goosebumps in the nearly 80 degree room. After the people in front of me got their pictures, it was finally my turn. Justin said, “Hey whats man?” I was so nervous I could barely answer with a “Hi.” The camera man took the picture and I was like, “Smile Justin.” Even though he did not smile, he gave a little smirk and pointed at me in our picture. Before I knew it the security was telling me my way out and it was time for the second greatest part, my 4th row seats. Overall I met a lot of great beliebers and had one of the best days of my life. I will never forget this. -Rick Originally posted here: My name is Rick and I have been a belieber since 2009 when…