Tag Archives: finally-the-day

My name is Rick and I have been a belieber  since 2009 when…

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My name is Rick and I have been a belieber  since 2009 when Justin’s first single ‘One Time’ came out. I could not get tickets to the My World Tour because the tickets sold out very quickly. I knew for his next tour, I wanted to get tickets no matter what. I saved up since I knew I wasn’t going to his first tour. I also made sure I signed up for Bieberfever to get pre-sale access. I was not quick enough to get meet and greet tickets for the first leg of the tour but I got floor tickets. November 4th, 2012 was my first time seeing Justin in person. When I found out he was doing a second leg in the U.S, I was really happy to have a second chance to get meet and greet tickets. The exact time and day the tickets went on sale I put in ‘2 meet and greets’ and got them! I was so nervous that I was somehow going to lose them I was shaking during the whole check out process. When I finally paid for the tickets I can only describe to you as one of the best feelings of my life. After waiting 7 months, and after paying for the tickets, it was finally the day of the concert July 17th 2013 . It really did not hit me that I was meeting him until after the pre-party. Finally after waiting in a room for two hours Justin’s head pops through the curtain and everyone screamed. That moment was one of the moments I will not forget cause it was so real. Seeing his head pop out literally gave me goosebumps in the nearly 80 degree room. After the people in front of me got their pictures, it was finally my turn. Justin said, “Hey whats man?” I was so nervous I could barely answer with a “Hi.” The camera man took the picture and I was like, “Smile Justin.” Even though he did not smile, he gave a little smirk and pointed at me in our picture. Before I knew it the security was telling me my way out and it was time for the second greatest part, my 4th row seats. Overall I met a lot of great beliebers and had one of the best days of my life. I will never forget this. -Rick Originally posted here: My name is Rick and I have been a belieber  since 2009 when…

My name is Rick and I have been a belieber  since 2009 when…

My name is Anna and I’m from Austria. The first time I saw…

My name is Anna and I’m from Austria . The first time I saw Justin on TV, I thought that he was soooo cute. This is my Bieber Experience. My best friend and I have waited for a long time for Justin to have concert in Austria. One day, I was listening to the radio and they said that Justin was coming here for the Believe Tour. I was so happy. My friend’s dad ordered the tickets for us. Since that moment, we were both happy every single day until the show came. Finally the day arrived on March 30, 2013. When the concert started I was having so much fun. I just enjoyed every second of it. In front of me there was a lot of security guards. Suddenly, I saw a woman walking around for a couple of minutes. Then I saw the same woman right in front of me. She asked, “How old are you?” “15” I said. Then she said, “Do you wanna be the One Less Loneley Girl?” OMG. I couldn’t believe it was happening to me. I said, “YES, OMG, YES OF COURSE!” I was so shocked, happy, and it was unbelievable. Security took me over the fence, and Jenn took me behind the stage. They gave me a t-shirt and then Kenny came. I asked him if I could have picture with him, so we took one quickly. I was waiting behind the curtain until the dancers came and they were holding my crown. My stomach was hurting so much of excitement, and my heart was beating so fast. Then the curtain started moving, and the dancers took me onto the stage. I could barely breathe. I saw Justin and he looked at me. I’ll never forget that feeling. He lifted his hand and touched my hair and my face. When the song ended he asked my name and I replied with “Anna.” We then walked together to the backstage area and everything was over. This was the best day of my whole life. Next time he comes to Austria I’m definitely buying M&G tickets. Never say never, and believe in your dreams! -Anna (@annapayer3) Go here to see the original: My name is Anna and I’m from Austria. The first time I saw…

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My name is Anna and I’m from Austria. The first time I saw…

My name is Kerrie and I have been a belieber since October 2009….

My name is Kerrie and I have been a belieber since October 2009. From then on, I had always wanted to meet Justin. He helped me through a lot of hard times and finally my friend Holly and I got the chance to meet him. We heard that some meet and greet tickets were coming out for Believe Tour so of course me and her were very excited as we knew we had enough money to pay for them. At this time I was freaking out. I had to get normal tickets because the others sold out very fast. Though my chances of meeting him were now at zero, I just carried on with life as usual. A few days later I got a text at school from Holly telling me that she had brought us meet and greets! I started crying and screaming in the middle of school. Everyone must have thought I was a freak but I didn’t care. I quickly rushed home to tell my mum the news but she already knew. The only thing was the price was more than it was meant to be. Luckily my mum paid for the rest as she knew how much it meant to me. We had to count down about 240 days. Finally the day was here, 4th March 2013. I bunked the day off school so I could travel to Holly’s house. As Holly and I already brought other tickets, we gave the tickets to our other friends. We were all very excited in the car, especially me and Holly. We then got our wristbands that were bright yellow with stars on them and a meet and greet lanyard. We were waiting in line for about an hour and a half. Then we got moved to another place. Dan Kanter visited beliebers in line. He was really nice and I got to hug him and get a photo. Then he carried on up the line. Then the man in Justin’s crew and started letting people in to meet Justin. We got to go in. Holly walked in first and then I walked in. When I walked in, Justin looked straight at me and smiled. I literally died and then I started walking up to him and he puts his arm out and puts it right around my back. Obviously we were about to have a picture taken and I started to cry. Luckily the picture came out okay but you can tell I’m nearly crying. I shouted out, “I love you so much” to Justin, and he said, “Thank you so much for coming.” The security pushed me and Holly out. We walked out and got given a bag with lots of merchandise. Security cut off our wristbands so we couldn’t sneak back in line. Holly and I were crying and screaming, I literally couldn’t cope with the fact I just met Justin. Holly couldn’t breathe so she had to get medical attention. It was time to go into the arena and we were both freaking out when we arrived at our seats. Jaden Smith was on and I couldn’t believe how good our seats were, we was in the third row! Cody came on and then Dan and Kenny came out to introduce Carly. We had to wait about an hour and then Justin came on. He was amazing and it was the best night of my life! – @kerriepp More: My name is Kerrie and I have been a belieber since October 2009….

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My name is Kerrie and I have been a belieber since October 2009….

On February 21st 2013 I was finally going to the Believe Tour! I…

On February 21st 2013 I was finally going to the Believe Tour! I had great seats and I was so excited. I can’t explain put into words how much I was looking forward to seeing Justin live again. After Cody and Carly performed there he was. Justin was flying across the stage, I couldn’t breathe! He is so talented. Every move was on point and his voice is flawless, I was truly blown away! I got home and went straight onto Twitter and @belieberbabes tweeted, “Manchester, how was the #believetour tonight!?” Right away I replied saying, “BEST NIGHT EVER I KNEW HE WAS TALENTED BUT OH MY GOD HE BLEW MY MIND MY WORLD TOUR WAS AMAZING BUT BELIEVE TOUR IS INCREDIBLE,” just so they knew how much of a good time I had and she RT’d it! Then I uploaded my pictures from the concert for all my friends to see. Around this time, Justin came online Twitter and I looked at my phone and saw that he had re-tweeted my tweet to @belieberbabes! I stood up, stared at my phone and then after a few seconds he replied saying, “@jhigginsx glad u had fun.” OH MY GOODNESS! I collapsed onto my sofa. I have been trying since 2009 to get Justin to tweet me and finally on the night I saw him live, he noticed me! I was in tears, all my friends were calling me to fangirl, I can’t explain how truly grateful and happy I was. The next day I made my way to the arena and sat down in my seats, I was front row! I got given a wristband which meant I was able to go and stand at the barrier when he came on the stage. He came on and was literally a step away from me. During ‘One Less Lonely Girl,’ he came over and held my hand , it was incredible. I honestly could not have asked for a better two days. Within those two days, Justin re-tweeted me, tweeted me, I saw him live twice and he held my hand. I never thought someone could make me this happy! Thank you @belieberbabes for helping him notice me and thank you Justin for the best two days of my life! -@jhigginsx  Here’s a video from my concerts Read this article: On February 21st 2013 I was finally going to the Believe Tour! I…

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On February 21st 2013 I was finally going to the Believe Tour! I…

I honestly thought I’d never get the chance to write my own…

I honestly thought I’d never get the chance to write my own Bieber Experience, but I never ever gave up! I’ve been a massive Belieber since around September 2009 and I’ve followed his career ever since. I’ll never ever leave him. It all started when Justin announced his dates for the UK Believe tour. There was a big confusion about tickets and when they were coming out. Luckily I had finished school so that I could stay on my laptop all day and buy them. I had saved up some money for a meet and greet and my parents agreed to pay the rest because they knew how much it had meant to me. On the 24 th February I was going to meet Justin, finally! I’d seen him before in concert but I couldn’t believe I was finally going to meet him and see him perform live from the front row! When it was finally the day of the show, we got to the arena and were given merchandise and other stuff you got with the package. They also give you a raffle ticket and raffled things off like Justin’s shoe and his glove, but I didn’t win anything. After a bit, Justin’s backup singer (@iam_vernonb) came out and hardly anyone knew who he was, I was so shocked. I was like ‘OMG HI!’ Then Kenny came out and everyone went crazy! But finally it was time to start. I was third in the queue to meet Justin. He was really late because he had been doing stuff for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. I gave his presents to the security who promised me so many times he’d get them. As I walked in, Justin was checking the picture he had just took with the 2 girls in front of me. Then when he looked at me, I just threw my arms around him asking for a hug (didn’t give him a choice really haha!) and he put his arms round my waist. I was refusing to let go so we had to walk back in place for the picture still hugging. When I was hugging him I said, “You mean everything to me,” and he looked at me and smiled. Then he spoke to my friend. We got the picture and I was being dragged out but I held onto his hand and told him I loved him. He looked right into my eyes, it was literally a glance but it felt like a life time and winked at me. Like a proper wink with a cheeky smile on his face and said, “Love you too.” Oh my god it was perfect! I was like, “OMG LOVE YOU BYE THANK YOU THANK YOU.” It was really fast. The concert was then amazing. We got right by the runway and got to hold Justin’s hand twice. It was the best night of my life and I can’t thank him enough.  -@MelissaBieberUK  Original post: I honestly thought I’d never get the chance to write my own…

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I honestly thought I’d never get the chance to write my own…

I’m lucky enough to be writing my 3rd MBE and I am so grateful…

I’m lucky enough to be writing my 3 rd MBE and I am so grateful for that! Justin Bieber is such a big part of my life and I want to thank him for taking time out of his busy day to meet all of us. Here’s my experience when he came to my hometown of Ottawa, Canada. It all started when he announced the Believe Tour dates and I knew I had to get tickets with my best friend Alyssa. I went to two concerts on the My World Tour, where I won M&G’s for both! Since the experience was absolutely amazing, I really wanted to meet him again so when they were selling VIP Tickets (very close seats + M&G) I had to get them! I saved up my money, got the tickets, and the countdown started. It was finally the day of the concert and I was SO excited! We always go super early to his concerts for a chance to catch a glimpse of Justin before he goes inside the venue. Unfortunately we didn’t make it in time and he came out for a few minutes to talk to some lucky fans before we got there. He was really rocking those overalls. Since this isn’t my first concert experience, I knew exactly where I could sneak into the venue to find a bathroom to get all ready to meet Justin. We changed our outfits, fixed our hair and makeup, and then went to wait in line. Finally it was our turn to walk in through those black curtains and meet Justin Bieber. The next few seconds happened so fast, but it was totally worth it. We greeted & smiled for the camera.  I was so up close beside him for the picture so when I asked for a hug afterwards he turned his head to me and we were legitimately face-to-face, so close, looking straight into his beautiful eyes! Seriously, I melted inside. He’s like, “Of course!” and bear hugged me. AHH still freaking out! We saw a lot of the Bieber Team just hanging out around the M&G too, which was pretty cool, I said hey to Fredo. We had 3 rd row for the concert but we really wanted to be right beside the stage along with the other girls who had the privilege to do so . So when Justin came on, we just went for it (even though we didn’t have the bracelets we needed!) and surprisingly security didn’t say anything to us. So thankful for that. We ended up being first row, how incredible? The concert was absolutely AMAZING and we were so close to him. Justin would literally be dancing right in front of me and I could see the sweat dripping off his face. He’s grown so much as an artist and performer since the My World Tour, and it was amazing to witness it. This experience I will cherish forever. See you in 2013! -@sarahdesmarais (I’m the brunette on the left in the picture!) Read more: I’m lucky enough to be writing my 3rd MBE and I am so grateful…

I’m lucky enough to be writing my 3rd MBE and I am so grateful…

Hey guys, my names Emily. I’m from Toronto, Canada and…

Hey guys, my names Emily. I’m from Toronto, Canada and here’s my Bieber experience! Hope you guys like it! And also a huge thank you to every one of my followers thats helped me out through everything! I love you all! Dreams really do come true, so never let anybody tell you otherwise. -Emily (@EmLuvsKanter) Read the original: Hey guys, my names Emily. I’m from Toronto, Canada and…

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Hey guys, my names Emily. I’m from Toronto, Canada and…

My name’s Ashley and I NEVER thought I would be writing a…

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My name’s Ashley and I NEVER thought I would be writing a “My Bieber Experience.” This is how it all happened: It was May 2012 when the Believe Tour tickets first went on sale. I was sitting in 2nd period class that day and I got Justin’s tweet sent to my phone, saying something like “BELIEVE tour tix go on sale today!!” I hoped and prayed that I would somehow get tickets because I haven’t seen Justin since  December 2010. My friend’s mom texted me saying, “Couldn’t get Believe tour tix….they sold out in first 30 seconds. I’ll keep trying, don’t get your hopes up, promise.” As soon as I read that, I started tearing up in class. I knew going to the Believe Tour wouldn’t happen. A few radio stations were giving away tickets a couple weeks later and I tried to call so many times but never got through. Then my friend Lauren (the girl i had met Justin with) texted me after school one day and said “DUDE GET ON SKYPE, I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU.” I got so confused, I didn’t know what was going on. I got on Skype and I was so nervous, I thought it was going to be some kind of bad news. It turns out my friend’s mom had actually got us meet and greet VIP tickets for the Believe Tour , but she didn’t want me to know. I literally fell on the floor, laid there and started bawling my eyes out. I didn’t believe it was going to happen until January 23rd 2013 arrived. Finally the day came when we met Justin. We got our meet and greet bracelets and went to wait in line. When I was waiting, my heart was beating SO fast. It was almost time. We went downstairs to the bottom of the arena, and finally arrived in a room. While we were waiting there was a raffle ticket game. It turns out my friend’s mom had BOTH of the lucky tickets and we won a PIECE OF JUSTIN’S OLD DRUM SET AND A PIECE OF HIS OLD BACK DROP! They were also signed by him as well! Then everyone started screaming. The curtains were moving and Justin was in the building. Then it was our turn to meet Justin. We walked through the curtain, I couldn’t believe it. He was real, he was right there, right in front of my face. We walked up to him and I was like, “Oh my goodness, Hi Justin!” He said, “Hey love!” We got our picture together and then we had to leave. Before the bodyguards could push me away I yelled to Justin, “You’re the reason why we’re best friends!” (as I pointed to Lauren) His face lit up SO big and he had the biggest smile on his face. He said, “Aw!! That’s so awesome!! Thank you!!” My heart dropped to the ground. After we met him, I just stood there and cried and cried and cried. It happened. I finally met Justin and told him what I wanted to say. During the concert, we were in the front row and when Justin was singing ‘Baby’ he came right up to me and sang in my eyes for about 10 seconds! Trust me, I never thought I would meet Justin, but I believed and it happened. If you keep believing, you’ll meet Justin too. I promise. I’m the one of the left of Justin by the way! -Ashley Go here to see the original: My name’s Ashley and I NEVER thought I would be writing a…

My name’s Ashley and I NEVER thought I would be writing a…

My name is Anna and I literally cannot believe I was given the…

My name is Anna and I literally cannot believe I was given the opportunity to meet Justin, go to the Believe Tour or the fact that I’m about to say this.. Here’s My Bieber Experience: Tickets went on sale when I was in 7th grade, but sadly my mom couldn’t get meet and greets or tickets because they sold out too quickly, or so I thought . About a month later, I was at my 7th grade awards ceremony and at the end, all the students went to their parents. I could not believe what I was told. My sister was telling me how sorry she was for not being able to get me tickets, but then she smiled and said, “I hope front row seats and meet and greets for the Atlanta show is enough though.” I completely FREAKED.  Let’s just say I was very well known by most of the school for crying and screaming over Justin Bieber. On January 23, 2013, it was finally the day I would be meeting my idol, the one person whom I can look up to, and the one who I know will always be there and claim me as his belieber. While in the M&G line, we went down 4-5 sets of stairs until finally we entered this gymnasium. Our line was the first one in there but soon the gymnasium was FILLED with groups of people eager to meet Justin. After 30 minutes of waiting, a raffle, and bunches of announcements from our little instructor guy, Ryan, it was time. The line began moving and I immediately got nervous. Soon, I was at the front, and I was the next person to be pulled in to meet Justin. As soon as I walked into the curtain I spotted Lil Twist, which wasn’t a very big surprise . Then, I was turned to my left my a security guard and there he was.. Justin Bieber. He looked so perfect, like an angel just standing there. I was soon pushed over to him and that’s when it all happened fast. Justin smiled at me and said, “Hey Baby, how are you?” I was in total shock and me being the little socially awkward person I am I quickly said, “Hi!” I turned around for the picture. Knowing I looked a complete mess I quickly said, “Hold on, I need to wipe my tears” I was laughing though. Justin looked over at me and said, “Yeah, hold up let her wipe her tears,”  and after the picture Justin pulled me into one last tight hug and I told him I loved him so much. He looked me in the eyes and said “I love you too.” I never thought that Justin would ever say those words to me. It was completely shocking. After calming down, through the first two opening acts, the countdown appeared. Me and the two girls by me, Nisa and Hannah, all freaked out. One last thing that was extraordinary happened while Justin was on stage, he made eye contact with me. That day was truly the best day of my life and it still seems so unreal. This shows all of you out there who think you will never meet Justin.. NEVER SAY NEVER! Anything could happen. Thank you so much for reading this and thank you so much to Justin for being such an amazing idol and role model. -Anna (@AnnaKinzxx)  More here: My name is Anna and I literally cannot believe I was given the…

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My name is Anna and I literally cannot believe I was given the…

On August 30th WHSmiths confirmed that Justin would be doing a…

On August 30th WHSmiths confirmed that Justin would be doing a Book Signing in London. The next day wristbands went on sale at 10am  (the website crashed in 2 minutes. Power of the Beliebers) and luckily after trying for almost an hour, I purchased a wristband! The next couple of days flew by and finally the day came, September 12, 2012! I was on my way to the train station tweeting on my phone when all of a sudden I got a mention saying ‘Congrats on the RT!’ so I went onto Justin’s Twitter page and saw that he RT’d me , so then I start freaking out! After the train journey, I finally arrived in London and went straight to the “secret location” where the book signing was being held. Once I got to the venue I saw at least 200 people queuing up already. I joined the queue. The line started to move slowly and after around an hour of waiting, I finally got inside and got given a copy of Just Getting Started. I walked into the hall and saw a stage with a black curtain drawn and loads of Beliebers sitting on the floor reading through the book. Whilst waiting in line for Justin to come I was on my phone on Twitter and all of a sudden I see that Justin has RT’d me again…like seriously? I was in line waiting to meet him and he RT’d me twice in the space of a couple hours . Could my day get any better? Fast forward to 2 hours later. All of a sudden everyone starts screaming! I look up and see Moshe walking off the stage and then all of a sudden Alfredo walks past the stage! Then around 5 minutes later we all see this pink/red sleeve behind the curtain, Justin. Everyone starts screaming “Justin” and then he was teasing all of us by popping his head out of the curtain, he then ran across stage and waved to everyone. After about 30 minutes the line started to move really quick and before I knew it I was walking up the steps and behind the curtain. When I first entered, I saw Kenny and then I moved forward and I finally saw Justin! I walked up to him and gave him a Believe Wristband and he smiled at me then signed my book. Then I had to move on! I sneakily managed to film Justin whilst signing my book (Camera’s or Phones were not allowed but i managed to hide my phone in my pocket) After I walked outside it finally hit me that I just met Justin. I’m so grateful I was able to meet him in person finally and that memory will stick with me forever. I cant express how blessed I am for all of this to happen. From the RT’s on Twitter to meeting him in person. Don’t give up on meeting him or getting noticed by him because it’ll eventually happen as Justin says Never Say Never and Believe. -Pippa @UKBieberDay See more here: On August 30th WHSmiths confirmed that Justin would be doing a…

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On August 30th WHSmiths confirmed that Justin would be doing a…