Tag Archives: alleged-actions

Scott Disick: Partying in Toronto, Drinking SO Much Heineken!

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have two kids together, but a new tabloid report makes it very clear just who the most immature member of this family truly is. On September 14, Disick was in Toronto to host a party at Tryst nightclub… … but the reality star went above and beyond his duties, Life & Style claims, asking for cocktail waitresses’ phone numbers so he could invite them to his hotel room and continue raging deep into the morning. “The girls arrived around 11 p.m. and partied with Scott and his business partner until security asked them to shut it down around 2 a.m. due to noise,” a source tells the tabloid, adding that Disick was at it again the very next night. Scott and his friends ended up at a club called Bloke & 4th on September 15. “He began throwing back Heinekens like they were going out of style,” says an anonymous fellow attendee, adding that Dicisk and his party left the club at 3:15 a.m., and that male and female voices were heard in his hotel room until 4:30 a.m. While she deals with these alleged actions, E! viewers were forced to deal with Kourtney Kardashian giving birth on the season finale of her family’s reality show. Good luck getting that image out of your head!

Read more here:
Scott Disick: Partying in Toronto, Drinking SO Much Heineken!

Joe Paterno, Disgraced Penn State Coach, Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

Joe Paterno, the Penn State football coach who was fired last week due to his role in a child molestation cover-up , has been diagnosed with a treatable form of lung cancer. His son, Scott, said the diagnosis took place last week and released the following statement: “He is currently undergoing treatment and his doctors are optimistic that he will make a full recovery. As everyone can appreciate, this is a deeply personal matter for my parents, and we simply ask that his privacy be respected as he proceeds with treatment.” Penn State remains under intense scrutiny and investigation for the alleged actions of ex-assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, who faces 40 counts of sexual abuse charges stemming from his interactions with young boys on and off the university’s campus. He recently admitted to showering with these young teens.

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Joe Paterno, Disgraced Penn State Coach, Diagnosed with Lung Cancer