It started a capella – and it ended with as much praise as an American Idol contestant has received in years. Forget the judges for a moment. Check out what a group of impartial observers had to say about Crystal Bowersox’s rendition of “People Get Ready” last night , which brought the singer to such tears that she could scarcely finish. : “It was the best performance of the season.” : “Forget about goose bumps! I had been filled with the Holy Spirit and was jumping up and down in my humble living room screaming, ‘Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, Alleluia, Alleluia!’ I became a born-again believer that “American Idol” could actually be redeemed, saved from its lost and depraved ways by its savior, Crystal Bowersox .” : “As frontrunner skeptics, it took Bowersox’s near collapse into heavy sobbing to finally convince us that her season-long steely calm was not professionalism, but rather a coping device. Despite the crumbling reputation, this is still a big deal, this American Idol show. Crystal seems to know that now.” DID YOU MISS THE PERFORMANCE? OR CAN’T WAIT TO WATCH IT AGAIN? SEE BELOW. People Get Ready
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American Idol Performance of the Season: Crystal Bowersox, "People Get Ready"
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged alleluia, bennyhollywood, bowersox, celeb news, crystal bowersox, Gossip, lord, praise-the-lord, room-screaming, season, singer