Tag Archives: allred

Why Do Cheating Scandals All Involve Gloria Allred?

Why, and how, is Gloria Allred always in the center of cheating allegations? —Merges, via @answerbitch on Twitter Yep, superlawyer Gloria Allred sure does represent a lot…

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Why Do Cheating Scandals All Involve Gloria Allred?

David Boreanaz Mistress Will Go Public With Her Story, Lawyer Says

‘The truth will come out,’ Gloria Allred says in a statement to the New York Daily News. By Jocelyn Vena David Boreanaz with his wife Jaime Bergman Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images Despite rumors that David Boreanaz and Rachel Uchitel had an extramarital relationship — and the fact that she has the same lawyer, Gloria Allred, as the “Bones” star’s unnamed mistress — Allred says Uchitel is not the woman Boreanaz confessed to having an affair with on Monday. And in a statement to the New York Daily News, Allred said she only called Boreanaz’s lawyer, Marty Singer, to talk to him, not looking for money. “We discussed the possible resolution of my client’s legal claims against Mr. Boreanaz by mediation,” Allred said in the statement. “My client has not told her story to the press, but now that Mr. Boreanaz is attacking her, she has decided to tell the story of their relationship so that the truth will come out.” Although Allred wouldn’t confirm the woman’s identity, she did say, “Neither Rachel Uchitel, nor I as her attorney, have made any claims against David Boreanaz, nor does she have any intention of doing so.” Uchitel’s name has been in the news over the past few months because of her alleged affair with Tiger Woods. The woman that had the affair with Boreanaz reportedly got upset with the actor after he told her they were “exclusive,” even though he is married to Jaime Bergman. Singer claimed that the woman left a “threatening” voice mail for Boreanaz. TMZ reports that despite the affair, Boreanaz’s relationship with his wife is now “stable.” The couple have no plans to divorce, and they were spotted in Los Angeles on Tuesday (May 4) shortly after the news broke. Reportedly, Bergman was the one who convinced her husband to go public with the infidelity.

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David Boreanaz Mistress Will Go Public With Her Story, Lawyer Says

Jaime Bergman May Sue David Boreanaz Mistress; Actor Accuses Gloria Allred of Extortion

Earlier today, married Bones star David Boreanaz admitted having an affair with an unnamed woman who he claims was trying to extort him for money. Now, his wife Jamie Bergman may sue the woman he had affair with. As a Utah resident, she has grounds to file a lawsuit for “alienation of affection.” Really. Jamie believes the chick – who TMZ reports is NOT Rachel Uchitel , who Boreanaz also slept with – intended to breakup her marriage, it’s so on. The David Boreanaz affair came to light after his former mistress contacted an attorney and threatened to go to various media outlets with her story. Naturally, that attorney was Gloria Allred. Boreanaz says he refused to cough up the money she wanted so he, took the David Letterman route, outed himself and now accuses Allred of extortion. Does Jaime Bergman have a case against David Boreanaz’s mistress? Allred who also reps Uchitel and helped the most notorious of the many Tiger Woods mistresses negotiate a mammoth settlement, denies any wrongdoing on her part and puts the blame for his actions squarely on Boreanaz. Gloria claims David’s lawyer, Marty Singer, tried contacting the mistress and only then did she get involved – and says she may have other “legal claims.” Singer responded that Allred’s claim is only that Boreanaz had promised the mistress that she was “exclusive” … even though she knew he was married. The woman had a very short-term liaison with Boreanaz – 2-3 times – after which he paid her money but she allegedly kept demanding more and more. Singer says on April 23, the woman left a threatening message that she had not gotten enough coin and was going public. On Monday, he says he got a call from Allred, who said woman was looking to get paid at least six figures. She then threatened to go public unless David upped the ante, Singer says, so Boreanaz told the story publicly Monday. But Allred is ready to fight back : “My client has not told her story, but now that Mr. Boreanaz is attacking her she has decided to tell the story of the relationship. The truth will come out.” The plot thickens! Stay tuned …

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Jaime Bergman May Sue David Boreanaz Mistress; Actor Accuses Gloria Allred of Extortion

Jesse James Mistress #4 to Come Forward

Another day, another bombshell for Jesse James. So to speak. First there was Michelle “Bombshell” McGee in In Touch . Then came Melissa Smith , who gave her story to Star magazine. Up next: Brigitte Daguerre , outed by TMZ. Now a fourth woman is claiming that she had an affair with Sandra Bullock’s husband – and alleges that the relationship was still going on up until last week . The woman, who has chosen not to identify herself (for now), is being represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred, of course It was really just a matter of time. Gloria, of course, is the celebrity lawyer representing Rachel Uchitel and at least one other unnamed mistress who claims to have had an affair with Tiger Woods. FOUR AND COUNTING : Jesse James’ mistress tally grows . In a statement, Allred describes the accuser as “a beautiful model and business woman” who was pursued by James. “He had strong feelings for her,” says Allred . Amazingly, she claims that the affair ended only after the Jesse James cheating scandal broke last week. So did it really even end, then? Have they chatted lately? As for any evidence of the supposed relationship, Allred says that her client has “hundreds of texts, emails, and photos” documenting the years-long relationship. Asked if the woman plans to reveal her identity, Allred said, “I am sure she will be making that decision shortly.” We hope she makes the right one, and soon! We also hope Sandra Bullock borrows a 9-iron from Elin Woods.

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Jesse James Mistress #4 to Come Forward

Gloria Allred — Porn Inspiration

Filed under: Paparazzi Photo , Movies , Tiger Woods Gloria Allred — the civil rights lawyer who has been a force of nature for decades — has now been officially immortalized … as a porn star in a Tiger Woods XXX video. The adult-activity Allred-alike will make her debut in a film entitled, …

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Gloria Allred — Porn Inspiration

‘View’ to Uchitel: Sorry ‘Bout that Hooker Thing

Filed under: TV , The View , Tiger Woods The women of “The View” have caved to the mighty Gloria Allred — because one day after Allred threatened to sue ’em for calling Rachel Uchitel a “hooker,” The View has issued an apology.A rep for the show tells TMZ: “Joy Behar made a play on Ms. …

Continued here:
‘View’ to Uchitel: Sorry ‘Bout that Hooker Thing