Oh, Kat Von D … Stop, honey. Just stop. As you may have heard, Kat made quite the controversy for herself last week when she announced on Instagram that when her baby is born, she will be raising him vegan and without vaccinations . Vaccinations are something that many people feel very strongly about, because, you know, people can die from completely preventable diseases without them. In her statement, Kat said that she knew her beliefs and actions would create a lot of “backlash and criticism,” and that her own father “flipped out” when he heard her plans. To feel real pain and anguish, she said, “try being an openly pregnant vegan on Instagram, having a natural, drug-free home birth in water with a midwife and doula, who has the intention of raising a vegan child, without vaccinations.” That’s the real struggle, guys. That right there. Even besides the anti-vaccine stance, her whole post was bizarre and self-pitying and just really, really off-putting, but throw in the bit about putting her baby at risk for disease, and it’s just a terrible situation. Makeup lovers everywhere are boycotting her brand and contacting Sephora to let them know the reasoning — it’s kind of become a movement now. This whole thing has caused such a big stir that Kat has to be aware of it, and it turns out she is, because she’s made a new rambling post on the topic. And, wouldn’t you know it, this one is awful, too! To start, Kat wrote that she and her husband, Rafael Reyes , “are NOT anti-vaxxers.” “We are not against vaccines,” she attempted to explain. “Just because we have hesitancies and valid concerns about injecting our baby with specific chemicals and toxins does not mean we are anti anything.” Hold up, Kat and her husband are both heavily, heavily tattooed, and their concern is with injecting chemicals and toxins into their baby? That’s how she built her whole career. And also everything is a chemical. “As a soon to be parent (and especially as a first-time-mom) I do feel it my responsibility to have questions, and to listen to my motherly instinct to question things, and do my research,” she continued. “What we have found is that sometimes it isn’t always so black and white. While we believe medications, including vaccines, are not all bad — we also can’t dismiss the fact that some may not be good for everyone.” She wrote that “There are plenty of studies that show some vaccinations can work wonders.” She’s right — the vaccinations that prevent horrible diseases like polio really can work wonders. But, she was quick to add, “There are also studies that show some people (including mothers, and babies) may be more susceptible to vaccine injuries more than others.” “It’s unfair for anyone to expect me (or any parent) to take the word of the pharmaceutical companies who have much to gain from an industry worth billions without question — and then have to dismiss any concerns of my own.” Kat said that her medical history isn’t anyone else’s business, and that it also isn’t anyone else’s business “why we would feel it important for us to explore all our options when it comes to vaccinating our child.” Considering that, she hopes that before anyone criticizes her choices, “you would try and understand that this is our first child together , and we are simply just trying our best.” In closing, she said that she wouldn’t be talking about the subject any further, and she also turned the comments off on her post. “I think you would too,” she insisted, “if you were constantly receiving death wishes onto your unborn child.” Wow. Obviously this is a lot to take in, but first and foremost, of course no one should be sending death wishes to Kat’s baby. (Though honestly, judging by some of the comments she’s received elsewhere, we wonder if she really is receiving “death wishes” or if it’s more that people are warning her about what could happen if she doesn’t vaccinate her baby.) It’s also interesting that she kicked things off by directly saying that she isn’t an anti-vaxxer before hitting all the main points that anti-vaxxers make. Talk about “chemicals and toxins,” vaccine injuries, profit for pharmaceutical companies … she’s definitely an anti-vaxxer, she just doesn’t want people to call her one so her business doesn’t suffer. If Kat would really do research about vaccines, she would see how important they are, and how any studies that show otherwise have been proven over and over again to be completely false. Basically, sorry, Kat. You’re still cancelled.
Continue reading here:
Kat Von D: I’m NOT Anti-Vaccine! I Just Think Vaccines Are the Devil!