Tag Archives: angle-as-hard

Leah Francis Naked for Zoo Magazine of the Day

She’s not all that hot, but she is naked….and I guess that makes her relevant to perverts like me….even if the typical busty and voluptuous isn’t really my thing, I like my busty girls to be skinny, you know making their tits a mystery or blessing for nature, making me wonder how such a miracle happened, you know like they were my version of the Christ child, ready to be worshipped by my dick…when the girl is built like this…the big fake tits are just kind of a given…not all that impressive, but like all low level Glamour Models who are better suited as strippers, I’m totally down with staring, cuz naked chicks are fun….even when they are fat.

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Leah Francis Naked for Zoo Magazine of the Day

Kate Walsh is Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Kate Walsh is old, dumpy and in a bikini….but the real question is…who the fuck is Kate Walsh…and as it turns out…she’s the star of some show called Private Practice, that is a spinoff of Grey’s Anatomy, that I assume is a pile of shit that middle aged women who don’t have cable, eat the fuck up, but then again, I assume that’s what all TV is, because I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to see some of the sitcoms and dramas being produced, and the only people I can assume buy into that shit are white trash, ignorant, fat ladies with a lot of cats…. That said, I don’t mind staring at her belly in a bikini, but only because I like anything in a bikini, it’s a bit of a fucking sickness… Here is the video TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kate Walsh is Dumpy in a Bikini of the Day

Taylor Swift’s Dead Hooker Eyes in Paris Match of the Day

Taylor Swift may not be an official hooker, but she is a puppet the record label has used to make a lot of money, by exploiting her little wholesome teenage girl angle as hard as they fucking can, you know that whole good little Jesus loving Christian girl, despite the fact that she’s constantly in relationships with countless famous dudes, who you know she has very naughty sex with, to make up for all the lies she’s spewing to the public…I’m talking dirty fucking porno sex with a lot of partners that explain why her “wholesome” spread for Paris Match, a magazine that I used to jerk off to cuz it published tits, back in the 90s, features dead, souless eyes in….eyes I’ve seen in most hookers I’ve had sex with who have sold their soul to devil…and that excites me….unless of course Taylor Swift is just a fucking robot, which is always possible…who knows…but more importantly…who cares.

Originally posted here:
Taylor Swift’s Dead Hooker Eyes in Paris Match of the Day