Tag Archives: anna draganska

Rozanna Purcell in Shiny Lingerie for the Sun of the Day

She is Miss Universe Ireland 2010 and now she’s miss girl who’s shiny cheap looking panties I want to masturbate on to see my sperm drip off of….but would fear that my sperm would dissolve the shit…and not due to it’s toxicity thanks to hard drinking and bad living…but do to the cheap as fuck lookin quality of the fabric…you know some “don’t get this wet” it will turn into something horrible and poisonous like sulphuric acid and that should be recalled from China….if it wasn’t jacked up against this Miss Universe Ireland 2010 Rozanna Purcell’s hot body… But I will say, the cheap panties work for me, they remind me of all I’ve ever known on the caliber of woman I have bedded, and I like how they make her a little less pageant and a lot more pornstar…

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Rozanna Purcell in Shiny Lingerie for the Sun of the Day

Anna Draganska Modeling Lingerie Amazingly of the Day

Anna Draganska is Polish…but unlike most poles…she’s not in the circus due to great juggling skills and/or bear training skills…..she’s not a gymnast…or an Olympic weight lifter….she’s not in line for rationed bread…and she’s not in a catalog for mail order brides….. I admit, my knowledge of anyone eastern European or Russian is from an era when they were all behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War..and as an ignorant man, I don’t feel the need to update my preconceived notions…but I do feel a need to stare at her half naked pics….cuz Communist USSR survivors…who were probably born after communism…and are actually daughters of billionaires…can be pretty fucking spectacular to look at….

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Anna Draganska Modeling Lingerie Amazingly of the Day