Tag Archives: another-era

Deadpool Creator Suggests Suicide for Fox Execs Dragging Their Feet on Movie

Every time a new project gets added to Ryan Reynolds’s potential to-do list — including a Green Lantern sequel, R.I.P.D. , and the Denzel Washington thriller Safe House — Robert Liefeld dies a little death on Twitter . You see, Liefeld the creator of comic-book character Deadpool, the character Reynolds played in X-Men: Wolverine and will hopefully play in a spinoff — that is, if Liefeld can beg someone to make it.

See the rest here:
Deadpool Creator Suggests Suicide for Fox Execs Dragging Their Feet on Movie

Tillman Story Stuck With R-Rating

In another era, Harvey Weinstein would have forcibly pulled a PG-13 from the backs of the MPAA ratings board members’ throats if he had to. Not so much today, when he and the makers of the documentary The Tillman Story saw its R-rating upheld for “excessive language.” So, for the record: F-bombs delivered either in a sexual context or one in which your own troops fatally shoot you? Automatic “R.” Are we clear? [ The Wrap ]

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Tillman Story Stuck With R-Rating