Jerry Seinfeld admits he may be “on the spectrum” for autism, much to the approval of autism advocates.
Jerry Seinfeld Gave Hope To The Autism Community By Declaring He’s ‘On The Spectrum’
Jerry Seinfeld admits he may be “on the spectrum” for autism, much to the approval of autism advocates.
Jerry Seinfeld Gave Hope To The Autism Community By Declaring He’s ‘On The Spectrum’
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged approval, Celebrity, Hollywood, jerry-seinfeld, Mtv, music-news, seinfeld, spectrum, stars, the-approval, the-spectrum
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Its almost time for NCAA basketball to begin again, and the Kentucky Wildcats are starting their season with some help from Drake. The Toronto…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged approval, Chess, drake, kendall taylor, ncaa, news & gossip, their-season, wildcats
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Its almost time for NCAA basketball to begin again, and the Kentucky Wildcats are starting their season with some help from Drake. The Toronto…
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Kendall Taylor is Fantasia’s new hubby. To show his approval, he has her name tatted across his chess big as day! I think you can…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged approval, bennyhollywood, Chess, fantasia, Hollywood, name-tatted, national, taylor
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Kendall Taylor is Fantasia’s new hubby. To show his approval, he has her name tatted across his chess big as day! I think you can…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged approval, Chess, chess-big, fantasia, Hollywood, kendall taylor, name-tatted, News, stars, taylor
Miley sings Shakira, hangs with Britney Spears and reveals who gave her the approval to chop off her hair in the MTV doc. By Christina Garibaldi
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‘Miley: The Movement’: 9 Miley Moments To See Again (And Again)
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged approval, developers, discontinue, experiences, extraction, Hollywood, Mtv, nadeska-alexis, party, show, TMZ, Yahoo
I am all for fitness…because a girl with a fit body, even if she’s got a shit face, is generally more fun to look at and imagine yourself having sex with than a fat girl. Her toned stomach from hours of sit-ups leads me to believe that if she’s not too tired from her working out, that should could do some serious damage on a fat lazy dude who just kinda dead fishes in the bedroom on days he’s lucky enough for the viagra to work… I mean, it’s nice to see that a girl, who just 10 years ago was jailbait, for some reason I never quite understood, because she was never rocking much sex appeal, yet I would get emails asking for more Jojo posts from perverts everywhere…until they realized she liked black dudes, and eating…and turning 18…losing any appeal she once had… But she’s grown up, grown out of that, and realizes…she’s gotta make some money before she’s 30…it’s her last go at this…and she might as well get as fit as possible going into it…and I approve…my approval is something, I am sure she, like most girls, seeks everyday when she wakes up…
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Jojo Showing Off Her Ripped Stomach of the DAy
Critics give booze-toting actors in John Hillcoat’s ‘breathtaking’ period piece their approval. By Kara Warner Shia LaBeouf in “Lawless” Photo: Annapurna Pictures
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‘Lawless’: The Reviews Are In!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged annapurna, appid, approval, bennyhollywood, context, detected, give-booze-toting, Hollywood, missing, Music, News, news article, Pictures
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Garry Conille is Haiti’s prime minister
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged approval, congress, group, haitian, the-senate, unanimous-vote, united-nations, vote-following