Tag Archives: attacks-photographer

7-Year Old Sells Book, Raises $600,000 for Sick Best Friend

Ready to be inspired, THGers? Dylan Siegel is a seven-year old whose best friend Jonah has tragically been diagnosed with a rare illness called Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b.  It’s a live disorder that cases very low blood sugar and for which there is no cure. Jonah is one of only 500 kids in the world with the disease and he must be fed through a tube every few hours. Because Dylan describes his friendship with Jonah as “awesome as a chocolate bar,” he has written The Chocolate Bar Book, sold it across the world… and raised over $600,000 for research into the illness. Says Dr. David Weinstein of the Florida lab that is receiving these proceeds: “It is now reality. It’s not just a dream that these children can be cured.” Pretty amazing story, huh? You can follow this link to purchase a copy of The Chocolate Book and donate.

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7-Year Old Sells Book, Raises $600,000 for Sick Best Friend

Yeezus Concert Movie Trailer: Released by Kanye West!

According to a new report, Kanye West may help write a biopic about his life that would star Kim Kardashian in a major role. We cannot verify the accuracy of this information. But we can confirm that the rapper will soon release a concert movie using footage from his “Yeezus” tour, similar to the films made in the past by One Direction and Justin Bieber . “Yeezus film directed by Hype Williams coming to theaters,” Kanye simply wrote as a caption to the following trailer. Give it a look now: Yeezus Movie Trailer And, just for the fun of it, here are some of our favorite Kanye West hits, not of which are likely to be included in the film: Kanye West Greatest “Hits” Collection Open Slideshow 1. Kanye West Attacks Photographer Kanye West attacks a photographer, again, as seen in this amazing TMZ video from July 2013. View As List 1. Kanye West Attacks Photographer Kanye West attacks a photographer, again, as seen in this amazing TMZ video from July 2013. 2. Kanye West Goes OFF on Paparazzo Kanye West unloads on a paparazzo outside his house at 4 a.m. You gotta see this. 3. Kanye West Walks Into Pole Kanye West walks into a pole, hurts his head, then gets absolutely livid with photographers. You gotta see it. 4. Kanye West Screams at Cameraman Kanye West flips the eff out on a TMZ cameraman in this video. He does not want anyone talking to him! 5. Kanye West Smashes Camera Kanye West smashes a paparazzi camera at the airport in 2008 in one of his most infamous fits of rage.

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Yeezus Concert Movie Trailer: Released by Kanye West!