Tag Archives: attended-last

Researchers Say Don’t Get Angry Just Pray

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Furious about an unkind comment? Angry about a social snub? Say a prayer, even if you’re not religious. There have been several different schools of thought on this. When you were little your mother most likely told you to “pray for that child, or this child” Well research is starting to  point in the direction that is can be possible that we can actually affect are emotional range by praying. Think about this for a moment. Do you  stop to count to ten when you are angry?  If the answer is yes than you are well on the way to proving that theory science is after. New research from American and Dutch scientists shows praying can help ease anger, lower aggression and lessen the impact of provocation. “People often turn to prayer when they’re feeling negative emotions, including anger,” said Brad Bushman, a professor of communications and psychology at Ohio State University and a co-author of the study. “We found that prayer really can help people cope with their anger, probably by helping them change how they view the events that angered them and helping them take it less personally.” In research published online in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Bushman and his colleagues found that prayer helped to control anger regardless of the person’s religious affiliation, or if they attended church or prayed regularly. In the first study they asked 53 U.S. college students to complete a questionnaire that measured levels of emotions such as anger, depression, tension, fatigue and vigor and then put them in a situation that could elicit an angry response. Then the students were told to read a newspaper report about a cancer patient and randomly assigned to pray for her or to just think about her. Students who prayed for the patient had lower self-reported anger levels. In other studies Bushman, Ryan Bremner of the University of Michigan, and Sander Koole, of UV University in Amsterdam in the Netherlands, found similar results about the power of prayer in dealing with anger, aggression and provocation. Related Stories: Minute Meditation: Prayer for Safety Affirmation: “I’m Going To Relax And Have Fun With This, No Matter What.” Quiet Is Where You Find The Real You

Researchers Say Don’t Get Angry Just Pray

La La, Angela Simmons & Kim Kardashian Attend Knick’s Game

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Kim Kardashian , La La Vasquez and Angela Simmons attended last night’s Knicks vs Milwaukee Bucks game. La La and Kim were photoed taking a picture on Kim Kardashian’s Blackberry. La La is constantly supporting her husband Carmello, attending every game at The Garden. La La Vasquez Anthony Says She’s Not A “Basketball Wife” La La Gets Sexy For The Garden! [PHOTOS]

La La, Angela Simmons & Kim Kardashian Attend Knick’s Game

Fashion Face-Off: Olivia Wilde vs. Beau Garrett

As a sequel to a movie that came out almost thirty years ago, Tron: Legacy could be a hard sell. But it’s made easier when one considers two of its beautiful co-stars: Olivia Wilde and Beau Garrett. Each attended last night’s Hollywood premiere and each looked stunning on the red carpet. But only one can be crowned the champion of this Fashion Face-Off. Check out the official Tron: Legacy trailer now and then cast your vote:

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Fashion Face-Off: Olivia Wilde vs. Beau Garrett

Balloon Boy Hoax Fines at $42K and Climbing

The parents who orchestrated the Balloon Boy hoax were hit with a tab of $42,000 from local, state and federal agencies for their October, national TV stunt.

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Balloon Boy Hoax Fines at $42K and Climbing

Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Jerry Ferrera: It’s Over!

The shocking relationship betwen Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Jerry Ferrera is over. After more than a year of dating, the couple – who met when Sigler guest-starred on Entourage as Ferrera’s character’s girlfriend – has reportedly parted ways

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Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Jerry Ferrera: It’s Over!