Tag Archives: national-guard

Jesse Williams Says The National Anthem Before NFL Games Is A Scam And Owners Are Trump Donors!

Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.com Jesse Stay Woke Williams Calls Out The NFL For Making The National Anthem A Paid Promotion For Military Recruitment Donald Drumpf started a whole heap of mess this weekend after encouraging NFL owners to suspend or fire players who take the knee only to have players, activists, actors, artists and regular citizens respond strongly in opposition. Of course one of the most outspoken was Jesse Williams who appeared on MSNBC with Thomas Roberts to discuss the protests: ‘[Saying] we need to stand and pledge for the allegiance and this anthem thing is a scam,’ Williams told host Thomas Roberts. ‘This is not a part of football. ‘[The pregame national anthem] was invented in 2009 from the government [by] paying the NFL to market military recruitment – to get more people to fight wars to die. ‘This is not – nothing to do with the NFL or the American pastime or tradition. This is to get boys and girls to go fly overseas and go kill people… ‘They’re marketing and pumping millions of dollars into the NFL to get us to put on a pageant in front of the NFL football games to get you to go off and fight.’ The tactic Williams was referencing is known as “paid patriotism” — it specifically involved the National Guard and Defense Department spending taxpayer money on NFL promotions. Before 2009, NFL players normally remained in the locker room until after the anthem. In 2009, an NFL spokesman said of the new practice: ‘As you know, the NFL has a long tradition of patriotism. Players are encouraged but not required to stand for the anthem.’ Another point Williams made is that the NFL owners have played an important role in the whole Trump mess in the first place. ‘There’s an incredible level of cowardice and selfishness in the ownership class in this particular league on this particular topic,’ he said. ‘I think we have this perception that athletics is entirely a meritocracy. ‘The NFL proves, and the positions they consider more cerebral that it’s just simply not. ‘Seven or eight of these owners gave Donald Trump a million dollars each and are friends with a very horrible guy who thinks he’s a dictator and treats America like it’s a game show.’ Watch the clip below: Jesse stay woke don’t he?! We love it. Keep it coming brother.

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Jesse Williams Says The National Anthem Before NFL Games Is A Scam And Owners Are Trump Donors!

Stranded With A Million Dollars Premiere: 7 Reasons Cody Is About To Become Television’s New Bad Guy

On the premiere of MTV’s ‘Stranded With A Million Dollars,’ a National Guard infantry man named Cody showed he’s out to win.

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Stranded With A Million Dollars Premiere: 7 Reasons Cody Is About To Become Television’s New Bad Guy

Amber Rose Makes Surprising Confession


It looks like Amber Rose misses her soon-to-be ex-husband, Wiz Khalifa. The model filed for divorce from the “We Dem Boyz” rapper back in September, it…

Amber Rose Makes Surprising Confession

Florida Cops Used Black Men’s Mugshots As Shooting Targets & We’re Like You. Cannot. Be. Serious.

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Could you imagine walking into a shooting range and seeing mugshots of only Black men as the main target practice? Army National Guard Valerie Deant saw Black…

Florida Cops Used Black Men’s Mugshots As Shooting Targets & We’re Like You. Cannot. Be. Serious.

You Can’t Be Serious: National Guard Chopper Crew Suspended For Unauthorized Halloween Candy Drop In Residential Area

Diabetes from above ! Arizona National Guard Chopper Crew Suspended For Candy Drop At Residential Party Via NYDailyNews A National Guard chopper crew scared Arizona residents by making a midair candy drop to a private Halloween party in their Black Hawk have been suspended. Locals living near 36th St. and Camelback Road in Phoenix were left more terrified than usual late Oct. 31 when the military whirlybird swooped close to their homes, reports FOX 10. Many believed that their streets were under some kind of attack. “I didn’t know if it was going to be a crash, or an attack, no clue,” one neighbor told the news station. “When I came out it was nose down, and it was definitely military,” added another. But after cellphone footage of the incident was posted online, it emerged that the crew was in fact making an unauthorized sweet treat drop to partygoers below. The elite crew had reportedly taken off from the Papago Park Military Reservation and was embarking on a training mission in the suburb of Deer Valley But they decided to make the spooky impromptu stop midway. The Arizona National Guard launched an investigation after seeing the video, which was posted online. “The incident was not sanctioned by the Arizona National Guard and will be investigated further to ensure it does not occur again,” an official statement said. “The Arizona National Guard does not authorize nor condone the use of military aircraft or equipment for personal use,” it added. We’re surprised the Ferguson Police Department doesn’t have these. Image via YouTube/FOX10

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You Can’t Be Serious: National Guard Chopper Crew Suspended For Unauthorized Halloween Candy Drop In Residential Area

NewsOne Exclusive: New Level Of Crisis In Ferguson [VIDEO]

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Contention is growing in racially charged Ferguson, Missouri between police and citizens. This, despite the presence of the Missouri National Guard and the White House…

NewsOne Exclusive: New Level Of Crisis In Ferguson [VIDEO]

Lt. Honore On The National Guard’s Presence In Ferguson [VIDEO]

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Russel Honoré is a retired Lieutenant General who is best known for coordinating military relief efforts in the aftermath of  Hurricane Katrina. On Tuesday, Gen. Honoré  appeared on…

Lt. Honore On The National Guard’s Presence In Ferguson [VIDEO]

Waitress Picks Up Tab For Furloughed Soldiers, Ellen Gives Her $10K

A waitress who picked up the tab for two National Guard soldiers affected by the government shutdown was paid back by Ellen DeGeneres – and then some. Sarah Hoidahl of Concord, N.H., said she just wanted to do a nice thing for the soldiers she was waiting on, so she recently picked up their lunch tab of $27.75. On Friday, after the story went viral, Ellen interviewed Hoidahl and paid her $27.75 in cash. Then she threw in a check for $10,000 and a 50-inch television. An emotional Hoidahl buried her face in her hands and thanked Ellen, who replied multiple times, “You’re a good person.” And right she is. Watch it unfold: Waitress Gets Amazing Surprise From Ellen DeGeneres heard of Hoidahl’s gesture when the New Hampshire National Guard posted a picture on its Facebook page and the story spread quickly online. The government shutdown ended after more than two weeks with the passage of a temporary budget agreement, but tensions could resurface in early 2014. In the meantime, it’s nice to hear at least one good thing came out of it.

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Waitress Picks Up Tab For Furloughed Soldiers, Ellen Gives Her $10K

Chicago Gruesome Gun Violence Prompts Congress To Send In National Guard…”Every Single Day We Wake Up And A Black Person Has Been Murdered”

Chicago Gruesome Gun Violence Prompts Congress To Send National Guard It’s about damn time someone do something about this ridiculous gun violence in the Chi… Via NBC News: The onslaught of gun crime in Chicago has spurred members of Congress to convene a summit on urban violence and prompted a state lawmaker to demand the National Guard be called in to stop the “mayhem.” “Every single day we wake up in the city of Chicago, some child, some young adult, some African-American male has been murdered,” state Rep. Monique Davis said Thursday. “This is not acceptable. I’m hearing from mothers that they are afraid to go outside,” she said. “Hospitals are overburdened with 70 gunshot wounds in one day. Ambulances are so busy people are driving victims in their own cars.” Davis held a press conference this week to ask Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn to call in National Guard “to protect our children so they can go to the park and swim and play and have a childhood.” She said the governor has not responded. Meanwhile, Congressman Bobby Rush and two other Illinois Democrats announced plans Thursday for an “emergency” summit July 25 at Chicago State University. The event will be national in scope, but Chicago was chosen because it is “the epicenter of gun violence in the nation,” said Rush’s spokeswoman, Debra Johnson. Chicago ended last year as the city with the highest number of murders in the nation. Three weeks later, its reputation as a crime capital was cemented when Hadiya Pendleton, 15, was shot dead days after performing in Washington for President Obama’s inauguration festivities. Police say anti-gang and crime-fighting strategies launched after Pendleton’s slaying are working. Official statistics show murders were down 28 percent, from 260 to 188, and shooting incidents fell 24 percent, from 1,117 to 849, in the first half of the year. Discuss… NBC Chicago Continue reading

Oklahoma Death Toll Revised; 24 Confirmed Killed By Tornado

The Oklahoma tornado death toll has been revised downward as state officials continue to evaluate the massive casualties in the wake of Monday’s event. The medical examiner’s office has lowered the confirmed death toll from 51 to 24, including nine children, though that total may still rise in coming days. Oklahoma medical examiner spokeswoman Amy Elliot said she believes some victims were counted twice in the early chaos of the storm aftermath. The original death toll included 20 children, and some news outlets have reported as many as 91 people were killed by the Moore, Okla., twister. Two elementary schools were in the path of Monday’s tornado, which the National Weather Service gave a preliminary rating of at least EF-4. That categorization entails churning wind speeds of up to 200 mph. Moore Mayor Glenn Lewis and National Guard members told ABC News that search-and-rescue operations at the schools are now recovery efforts. “The walls were just pancaked, absolutely flattened and the students were just grouped together,” Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb tragically told reporters. Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin tweeted late Monday that she visited with search crews. “Appreciate their hard work and tireless dedication,” she tweeted. Fallin has also deployed 80 National Guard members to help with search-and-rescue efforts throughout the city, just outside of Oklahoma City. Authorities said Briarwood Elementary School in Moore received a “direct hit” from the storm and was also destroyed, with its roof and walls blown off. “A lot of parents started walking, running to Briarwood, and when we got up to Briarwood, it had been just completely destroyed,” a Moore resident said. “I’m just happy that I was able to find my son and my family is OK. The scene over there at the school is just catastrophic. I’ve never seen anything like it.” A total of 242 patients, including 58 children, were treated at hospitals. Many patients have been treated and discharged while others have been transferred. Kelly Wells, spokeswoman for the Norman (Okla.) Regional Health System, said lacerations, broken bones, head and neck injuries were common. Moore Medical Center, the only hospital in Moore, sustained major damage from the tornado and was evacuating all its patients to other hospitals. Betsy Randolph of the State Highway Patrol asked non search-and-rescue personnel to stay off the roads so first responders can do their job. “We do still have rescue, search-and-rescue crews throughout this city. Some of the heavily hit areas, they are still searching for people,” she said. “We still have people that are trapped.” President Obama signed a disaster declaration in Oklahoma and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the affected area.

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Oklahoma Death Toll Revised; 24 Confirmed Killed By Tornado