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Cee Lo Green messed up big time with his rape comments. Listen to this edition of Hip Hop Spot to hear how his career will never be the same because…
Why Cee Lo Green’s Career Will Never Be The Same [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]
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Cee Lo Green messed up big time with his rape comments. Listen to this edition of Hip Hop Spot to hear how his career will never be the same because…
Why Cee Lo Green’s Career Will Never Be The Same [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]
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“Attitudes are contagious, make sure yours is worth catching.” – Author Unknown Talent will only get you so far if your attitude isn’t in the…
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As people are waking and finding out that the United States Congress has allowed the Federal Government to be shut down, many are wondering…
How The US Government Shut Down May Already Be Effecting You
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Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill It’s easy to blame others for your problems, but sometimes you have to…
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Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries really kicked the proverbial hornet’s nest. By remarking, basically, that his clothing company caters only to “the cool kids” and he doesn’t want any fat girls in his stores, he caused a major uproar. Stars like Kirstie Alley and Ellen slammed A&F for sending such a message, and now a blogger named Jes (a.k.a. The Militant Baker) has upped the ante. Recreating popular topless Abercrombie ads (and wearing their clothes) in a series of photos, the Size-22 Jess says A&F should stand for “Attractive & Fat.” She published the images – which should make Jeffries cringe – on her blog, with an open letter to the company lamenting its stance on “larger people.” Jeffries told Business Insider that A&F is “exclusionary,” and for “cool and popular kids … a lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes] and they can’t belong.” Jes writes that she hopes one day all ads, even A&F’s, will feature plus-size females or “unconventional models” with “not short, not fat, professional models.” H&M’s swimsuit model in this summer’s catalog qualifies, but somehow we don’t see A&F following suit – even if, as Jes notes, their clothes do fit her. Take a long look, Mike! Check out more of Jes’ photos below:
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Attractive & Fat: Blogger Recreates Abercrombie Ads, Flaunts Size 22 Body
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Tagged Attitude, bennyhollywood, channing tatum, clothes, cool, Hollywood, jeffries, kirstie-alley, news update
Joseph Gordon-Levitt with a porn addiction? Sure, sounds entertaining. Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson talking with strong New Jersey accents? Even better. Check out the first Don Jon trailer , which marks Gordon-Levitt’s writing/directorial debut: Don Jon Trailer Gordon-Levitt plays Jon Martello, a porn-addicted man with a habit for objectifying everything. When he meets a Barbara, played by Johansson, his attitude begins to change. Julianne Moore, Tony Danza, and Brie Larson also star, with Anne Hathaway, Channing Tatum, and Cuba Gooding Jr. making cameos. Don Jon premieres October 18.
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Don Jon Trailer: Arrived!
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Tagged Attitude, bennyhollywood, celeb news, channing tatum, context, Gossip, Hollywood, hollywood update, invalid, players, Porn Addiction, stars, Tiger
I don’t know what is worse…Judge Judy in a bikini…or the fact that I am masturbating to it… This is from a recent appearance of Judge Judy on Katie Couric’s show…but it doesn’t matter why it happened…it just matters that it happened…. I would love to rub that dried up, loosed skin, menopause all over my face…but maybe that’s just cuz she annoys me so much on TV…with her attitude…that I want to punish her with a fine in the form of my genitals….
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Judge Judy in a Bikini of the Day
Tagged Attitude, context, detected, fact, genitals, invalid, judge judy, loosed-skin, positive, she-annoys
All five members of One Direction cover the latest issue of Seventeen . What do Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Harry Styles have to say about dating, Demi Lovato and rumors of their bad behavior? Read on. Find out! Is Harry girl-crazy? “I wouldn’t say girl-crazy because that makes me sound like a bit of a womanizer. That isn’t really me. But I am quite flirty;maybe too flirty. I’m an 18-year-old boy, and I like to have fun!” Is Niall dating Demi Lovato? “The nice thing about Demi is, once you know her, she’s really, really beautiful. We became good friends. It’s so crazy that she can be so honest about everything she’s gone through. She has a fantastic attitude. If I ever needed anything or needed to talk to anybody, I think Demi would be the person to talk to.” How did Liam deal with bullying as a child? “I was bullied by a few people who were much older than me. I went to camp to learn boxing. I was 12, and my coach was 24. I felt like if I could fight him, I could stand up to anyone.” Is Zayn really a bad bo y? “I like to use the term misunderstood. But I am a bit of a bad boy. I have tattoos and I mess around. That’s part of my image, so it’s cool.” When was Louis most embarrassed as a group member? “One time Harry and I were skiing together when a girl and a guy came up with a camera. We assumed they were going to ask us for a photo, so we stood there with our arms around each other, posing. They said, ‘No, we want you to take a photo of us!'”
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One Direction Talks Flirting, Dating and Tattoos
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Tagged Attitude, bennyhollywood, celeb news, children, colton-haynes, expose-various, harry-styles, Hollywood, invalid, louis-tomlinson
Two former nannies for Octomom Nadya Suleman claim she allowed one of her children to sexually abuse another child in her home, according to a new report. According to L.A.’s CBS2, the nannies have contacted Child Protective Services and told officials that they personally witnessed sexual abuse from the kid. The nannies don’t say Octomom personally sexually abused anyone, however: According to one nanny, “(One of the boys) would take (his sibling) away and take her to another area. And he would be touching her.” Nadya tied her eight newborns to their bed with cheese cloths around their waists to keep them from getting out of their cribs at one point. Octo “never did (anything). ‘It’s okay, don’t worry about it.’ That’s her attitude.” She also blocked their bedroom door with a chair so she could take a nap. This is even more terrifying than having to sit through the Octomom porn trailer. La Habra, Calif., police say they investigated the Octomom allegations and plan to send the case to the Orange County D.A. in the next several days. Nadya Suleman tells TMZ, predictably, that the allegations are all bogus. “All of this is blatant lies,” Suleman says, calling them obsessed with her. “[The nannies] are hating because they can’t have what I have,” she said. Okay then, Octo. Nadya has been investigated by Child Protective Services once before, it’s worth noting, and no actions were taken against the mother of 14 in any case. Stay tuned. [Photo:]
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Octomom Sexual Abuse Claims: Nannies Say Nadya Suleman Allowed Child to Molest Others
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged allegations, Attitude, been-the-best, children, colton-haynes, expose-various, hollywood-news, Love, nadya-suleman, octomom-nadya, send-the-case, TMZ
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“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with…” –J.Rohn Be careful because the people you associate yourself with can…
Midday Motivation | You’re A Reflection Of The Company You Keep
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