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My grandmother used to tell me that I should always look my best because you never know who you’ll run into in the street.…
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My grandmother used to tell me that I should always look my best because you never know who you’ll run into in the street.…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged aggression, appid, battery, best-because, context, detected, Hollywood, invalid, jail, missing, national, News, prostitute, stabbing, Street
We reported last month that Maggie Gyllenhaal has been on something of a vibrator goodwill tour lately, but this is just ridiculous. The star has reportedly been receiving dozens of the battery-operated pussy pals from fans of her new movie Hysteria . She now has so many that she could open a rental service for the lil’ guys- a Cockthruster Dildos, if you will: ” I was sent a lot of vibrators from different sex stores in England while we were shooting the movie [Hysteria]. I shared them around, ” she (hopefully) jokingly told New York Magazine’s The Cut . We know times are tough, but c’mon! Vibrators aren’t for sharing, but nudity is- so check out Maggie Gyllenhaal’ s fantastic full frontal in Strip Search (2004) and Secretary (2002) right here at!
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Need a Vibrator, Ladies? Maggie Gyllenhaal Has Dozens
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged battery, detected, fantastic-full, invalid, maggie-gyllenhaal, movie, rental-service, Sex
Mel Gibson, 55, (who#39;s stayed out of the salacious headlines himself, since the battery case involving his ex-girlfriend) he#39;s not dating anyone, says a close friend, who corroborates Mouzi#39;s account. Says the source: “They#39;re 100% just friends.” When Stella Mouzi met Mel Gibson this spring through mutual friends, the pair hit it off. But not, Mouzi insists, in a romantic way. Eager to set the record straight after tabloid reports declared her Gibson#39;s new, young girlfriend wh
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Stella Mouzi and Mel Gibson
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged battery, bennyhollywood, celeb news, gibson, Hollywood, stella-mouzi, the-salacious, through-mutual
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” Cynthia Bailey’s husband may be in some serious trouble! According to MTO, Peter Thomas is currently on trial right now in a courthouse for beating up a female former employee. Peter is charged with battery and if found guilty could be sent to jail for a year. READ THE REST HERE “ATL Housewife” Cynthia Bailey Is Getting Married This Weekend NeNe’s Diva Demands Almost Ruins “RHOA” Castmate Wedding “Real Housewives Of Atlanta’s” Peter Thomas: “Sheree’s Not Cute!” “Real Housewives Of Atlanta” Castmate Cynthia Bailey’s First Wedding Photo!
Is “Atlanta Housewife” Cynthia Bailey’s Husband Going To Jail?
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged battery, cynthia-bailey, detected, House, housewife, invalid, news & gossip, Photo, rumor, some-serious, weekend
Apple has released videos promoting the iPad 2. With two cameras for FaceTime and HD video recording, a fast and efficient dual-core A5 chip, and the same 10-hour battery life. All inside a thinner, lighter design. Videos include the standard … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Duncan’s TV Ad Land Discovery Date : 03/03/2011 01:25 Number of articles : 2
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, TV, Videos
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Floyd Mayweather is a wanted man … and not in a good way. A judge in Las Vegas has issued a warrant for Floyd’s arrest — stemming from the battery charge for allegedly poking a security guard in the face last month during a parking dispute. The judge… Read more
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Floyd Mayweather — Arrest Warrant Issued
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Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff
Tagged battery, celeb news, face, Hollywood, julia-stiles, security-guard, t m z, the-reason, vegas, wanted-man
Photo: GE Dual Battery System FTW There are about 840,000 buses on the roads of the United States, and while they are a greener way to get around than individual cars (especially for commuting in urban areas – please people, if you live in the city, use transit), the vast majority of them are powered by non-renewable fossil fuels. Some use diesel-hybrid powertrains for better fuel economy and lower emissions, and others run on compressed natural gas to reduce smog-forming tailpipe emissions, but those are just partial solutions. Fully electric buses would be better, but current battery t… Read the full story on TreeHugger
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Clever Electric Bus Prototype Combines 2 Battery Chemistries for Max Power & Range
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Once upon a time — in 1909 to be exact — the New York Times predicted that by 2009, we'd no longer use automobiles. We know that prediction was way off, but based on pulp history scholar Jess Nevins' transcription of the original piece, there are other interesting glimpses of what people back then thought our lives would be like now:
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Tagged azteca, based-on-pulp, battery, bennyhollywood, during-the-100, history, Hollywood, predictions, telegravures, the-centennial, the-predictions, time, TMZ, vessels-at-sea
here are the step by step how Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer 1. Turn the phone of f. This is probably the most effective and most simple way of conserving your battery’s power. If you don’t plan on answering the phone while you’re sleeping or after business hours, just turn it off. Do the same if you are in an area with no reception (such as a subway or remote area, since constantly searching for service depletes the battery fairly quickly. Some phones have an automatic power save feature, but it takes about 30 minutes with no service to kick in. By then, much battery power has been used. 2. Turn off Bluetooth. It will drain your battery very quickly. 3. Switch off the vibrate function on your phone, and use just the ring tone instead. The vibrate function uses up a lot of battery power. Keep the ring tone volume as low as possible. 4. Turn off your phone’s back light. The back light is what makes the phone easier to read in bright light or outside. However, the light also uses battery power. If you can get by without it, your battery will last longer. If you have to use the back light, many phones will let you set the amount of time to leave the back light on. Shorten that amount of time. Usually, one or two seconds will be sufficient. Some phones have an ambient light sensor, which can turn off the back light in bright conditions and enable it in darker ones. 5. Avoid using unnecessary features. If you know it will be a while before your phone’s next charge, don’t use the camera or connect to the Internet. Flash photography can drain your battery especially quickly. 6. Same goes for WIFI, GPS, and infrared capabilities, if your phone has these features built in. Keep them off; save more power. 7. Use GSM – Using your phone in 3G / Dual Mode will drain the battery quicker than if you just use GSM mode – have a look at your phones spec and you’ll see it will quote two different battery life times – normally 50% more for pure GSM use. Charge your battery correctly, in accordance with its type. Most newer cell phones have lithium-ion batteries, while older ones generally have nickel-based batteries. Read the label on the back of the battery or in the technical specifications in the manual to determine which yours is. Easy Way to Make Your Cell Phone Battery Last Longer is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading
TMZ has spoken with a half-dozen people who work on the set of “Desperate Housewives” and none of them are buying Nicollette Sheridan’s story that creator Marc Cherry struck her in the face.We’ve spoken with multiple members of the crew who say they … Permalink
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Crew Says Nicollette Sheridan’s Claim is BS
Tagged attack, battery, bennyhollywood, crew, desperatehousewives, face, housewives, marc cherry, marccherry, nicollette sheridan, strike, the-crew, the-set, TMZ