Tag Archives: beaches

SelenaGomezJustin-Bieber The couple Selena and Justin B are past the beaches of Rio of Leblon Ipanema and Copacabana

SelenaGomezJustin-Bieber The couple Selena and Justin B are past the beaches of Rio of Leblon Ipanema and Copacabana – 297248_203332166403928_463311426_n.jpg View post: SelenaGomezJustin-Bieber The couple Selena and Justin B are past the beaches of Rio of Leblon Ipanema and Copacabana

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SelenaGomezJustin-Bieber The couple Selena and Justin B are past the beaches of Rio of Leblon Ipanema and Copacabana

Spotted: Coco Flossin’ Them Cakes In A ‘Kini

While it’s getting too cold for this anywhere else, Coco enjoyed flossin her cakes on the beaches of Miami for yet another weekend. Click for the cake shot

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Spotted: Coco Flossin’ Them Cakes In A ‘Kini

Jessica Biel — White Hot Bikini Bottom

Filed under: Jessica Biel , Hot Bodies Jessica Biel hit the beaches of Hawaii in a Justin Timberlake -free bikini earlier today. She’s hit rock hard bottom. Read more

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Jessica Biel — White Hot Bikini Bottom

Humans Behind Deadly Shark Attacks in Egypt

The Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh has been hit by five shark attacks in two weeks. Photo: Robert Hornung / Creative Commons . A series of recent shark attacks — one of them fatal — on tourists at Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh resort have swimmers scared and authorities scrambling for an explanation. In what is surely the most bizarre theory, the governor of the region has suggested the Israeli intellige… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Humans Behind Deadly Shark Attacks in Egypt

Take A Blue Vacation On The San Juan Islands

photo via wonderofcreation.org With Labor Day around the corner, people are trying to get their last licks of summer in before the days get shorter and the temperatures get cooler. One suggestion where you can travel close to a big city, but still feel worlds away are the San Juan Islands in Washington. The San Juan Islands, which are located in the northwest corner of the state are actually an archipelago of 172 named islands, but the Washington State Ferry serves only… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Take A Blue Vacation On The San Juan Islands

"The Majestic Plastic Bag": Documentary on the Plastic Cycle of Life (Video)

Image credit: Heal the Bay I’ve wondered before whether plastic bags are a distraction , and Bonnie has marveled at the lengths people will go to to get a designer reusable grocery bag instead. But having just watched a fascinating online documentary, I am never going to look at the humble plastic bag in the same light again. For the first time ever, a team of crack wildlife film makers have tracked the “majestic” plastic bag on its … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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"The Majestic Plastic Bag": Documentary on the Plastic Cycle of Life (Video)

Green Turtles Return to Malaysia But Face An Uncertain Future

Photo by syntheticaperture Green turtles have been battling habitat loss, the dangers of fishermen , and pollution in a loosing battle for decades, and in Malaysia they’ve faced a take-over of their beaches by tourists and egg-plunderers. Still, there’s been a shift in their luck, albeit a precarious one. Green turtles are returning to Malaysia in the hundreds, but experts say that if the destruction of their habitat isn’t stopped im… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Green Turtles Return to Malaysia But Face An Uncertain Future

New Orleans TV: “Alarming discovery” of adult crabs “filled with some sort of black substance”

A pair of fishermen in Mississippi made an alarming discovery that has many wondering what's happening below the surface in the Gulf of Mexico. They found several full-sized crabs filled with some sort of black substance. While it's tough to find oil on the surface along the beaches in Mississippi, Hancock County EMA director, Brian Adam said oil is there, you just can't see it. “We're still seeing tar balls everyday, and I'm not talking just a few tar balls. We're seeing a good amount everyday on the beaches,” said Adam. He said a rock jetty near Waveland was covered in about 1,000 pounds of tar balls in just three days, and now there's been a disturbing discovery inside about a half a dozen full-sized crabs found near the mouth of Bay St. Louis. “You could tell it was real slick and dark in color so I grabbed it, and opened the back of the crab, and you could see in the 'dead man' or the lungs of the crabs.. you could see the black,” said Keith Ladner, longtime seafood supplier and owner of Gulf Shores Sea Products. He said he's never seen anything like it. Ladner said a crab's lungs are normally a white, or greyish color, and that a crab would have to be extremely old and deteriorated to look the way these did. “It wasn't that case. The meat was in tact, but lungs were in bad shape,” Ladner explained. Through BP's Vessels of Opportunity program, longtime fisherman Robert Mayne, a few days ago, started pulling boom on the bottom, and believes that's where the damaged crabs are coming from. “We would slow down, let it (boom) go to the bottom and then 10 minute pulls that we had made.. it was just saturated with brown, solid brown substances,” Mayne said. FOX 8 News reporter, Shelley Brown asked: “This is where the crabs live, on the bottom?” “Correct,” answered Ladner and Mayne. “And it's shocking to me that the shrimp season opened just a week ago and these shrimp travel across the bottom like crabs,” Ladner continued. Ladner said he couldn't sell shrimp even if they wanted too. He said some of the largest processing facilities in the country say they just can't buy from him right now because they say the sentiment around the country is that this oil and dispersant mix is at the bottom and in our seafood. “We've seen a lot of large fish since this has happened that are dead on the beach. We're seeing large bones like on days that are low tides like tonight.. mammals, turtle bones,” Hancock County Hazardous Material lead liaison Jesse Fineran said. Emergency managers and fishermen want to know what's causing this, and they're hoping just because there's no oil on the surface, this does not become an out of sight, out of mind situation. Some fishermen said they would see oil on the surface one day, and the next day, crews were out spraying and it would be gone. They believe the oil and dispersant mix is accumulating on the bottom. (video at link) added by: samantha420

Photographer Shows Swimmers in Oil

Image: © 2010 Jane Fulton Alt ~ Marissa, Crude Awakening The stares of individuals, families, friends — wavering between defiant and hopeless — in Jane Fulton’s ” Crude Awakening ” project invoke a visceral impact. The devastating repercussions of the BP oil spill have inspired many artists, and some

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Photographer Shows Swimmers in Oil

You don’t bring sand to the beach: BP’s newest cover-up (video)

BP’s new cover up is literally covering up the beaches. I am getting reports from Grand Isle, Louisiana, from C.S. Muncy, a freelance photojournalist for the New York Times, that BP is now trucking in sand to cover up the Gulf beaches instead of cleaning up the oil that spreading on our shores. When asked if it was true that BP has been covering some of the oil on the beach with sand: “Yeah. Yeah, this is interesting…We went down onto the beaches, and we started inspecting them. There were tar balls, tar residue, and there was some oil on the beach. Apparently, the day before there was a lot of tar balls, and BP was working in the area pretty heavily, and we started noticing there was a different consistency in the sand. Closer to shore, there was this grainy, very rough shell-filled sand, and then you could see almost like a border where it just spilled over onto the beach sand, which is a very fine-grained sand. And it looked as if it was dumped. I mean, you could dig a few inches down, and you could see that it was a different type of sand beneath that, you know, without all the shell and grit, and what not. It looked very much like that. Our first assumption was, yeah, that they were dumping sand to cover up the tar balls.” Read the rest on the original post. added by: CLGreen