Tag Archives: bear-the-child

Dozens smoking marijuana on MBTA train in Beverly

Aside from being a little bit rowdy, Clarizia said, the group caused no problems on the train. http://www.wickedlocal.com/beverly/news/x1916540776/Dozens-smoking-marijuana-on-… added by: JackHerer

Katy Perry Makes Fun At Sesame Street Boob Ban With Saturday Night Live Skit

One of the biggest stories this week was Katy Perry’s Sesame Street skit with Elmo, which ended up being banned due to her barely there boob coverage. http://www.dailystab.com/katy-perry-makes-fun-at-sesame-street-boob-ban-with-sat… added by: atomiclegion

Christine O’Donnell: SNL’s first target of the season –> Bullseye

Click here to see Video http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/26/christine-odonnell-snl_n_739503.html Last night on the season premiere of “Saturday Night Live,” the cold opening mocked none other than Republican senate nominee Christine O'Donnell. Her anti-masturbation stance, former fascination with witchcraft, and conspiracy theory about mice with human brains provided more than enough material for 'SNL' to work with. ——————————————————————————— In case you missed it , here is a VERY FUNNY portrayal of O'Donnell made right here on current without staff writers & proffesional comedians. http://current.com/entertainment/comedy/92685813_how-christine-odonnell-decided-… added by: Stoneyroad

Congressman Compares Florida Christians To Taliban

Alan Grayson, the Democratic firebrand from Florida's 8th District, made himself a nationwide household name — and angered conservatives — last year with his declaration that the Republican plan for health care amounts to hoping sick people “die quickly.” Now his latest move could prove equally infuriating to his political opponents. In a new election campaign ad, Grayson compares Florida's Christian politicians to the Islamist fundamentalists of the Middle East. “Religious fanatics are trying to take away our freedom in Afghanistan, in Iraq and right here in central Florida,” declares a female voice-over. The ad focuses on Daniel Webster, Grayson's Republican opponent in this year's mid-term election and a former state legislator. “Daniel Webster wants to impose his radical fundamentalism on us,” the ad asserts. “Webster tried to deny battered women medical care and the right to divorce their abusers. He wants to force raped women to bear the child. Taliban Dan Webster. Hands off our bodies, and our laws.” http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/09/grayson-ad-taliban-dan/ added by: ibrake4rappers13