Tag Archives: because-as-she

The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

To fuck with the masses of men who feel like they have too small of a cock, because despite what the media tells you, size does matter and every girl I’ve talked to has loved every big dick she’s had, and laughed about every small dick she’s had…mainly my small dick…that’s how I know it happened… This dude, who is cheesy as fuck, straight from 1992, because I guess that’s where Ireleand is at, was born with a 10 inch peen, which in Ireland is like having a 42 inch peen, it just doesn’t happen to those white dudes, that’s why they fight so much…small penis rage…decided to make it bigger because…he wanted “a monster”… That makes me laugh, and I can assume he’s already had numerous porn offers. As for the rest of us with small penis, the only hope is young chicks who don’t know better, fat chicks who are so lonely they will take anyone, broke chicks who are so broke they will take anyone, single mom’s who have horrible shredded vaginas that they are willing to not fill so that their kid has some security, there are hookers, and BONER PILLS THAT MAKE YOUR DICK ALL THE DICK IT CAN BE EVEN IF YOUR DICK IS PATHETIC AND THAT’S NOT SAYING MUCH This dude is ridiculous…

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The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

Nicola Peltz for Violet Grey of the Day

Nicola Peltz is the new Megan Fox… So I like her for proving that Megan Fox has no talent, is a hack and that the only thing that was ever important about Megan Fox was tricking people into thinking she was the hottest thing around…and once that happened…life was easy. One day the world will realize that Acting takes no talent at all, especially if you’re a chick. You just need some really basic skills like reading and remember a few lines, but more importantly, an ego and arrogance so that the people around you believe you when you say how you got into character and channelled your tormented childhood into this role…go fuck yourself you self involved poofter… Either way, Nicola Peltz, may be one to watch, is in some pics looking’ good enough for whatever magazine this is.

Nicola Peltz for Violet Grey of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Almost Has an Upskirt of the Day

Here are some shitty paparazzi pics of Suki Waterhouse getting out of a car in a skirt…because she’s a model who is dating Bradley Cooper, which I guess makes her more important than other models, because the world hasn’t realized that none of these idiots are talented, interesting or important…if anything they are the annoying kid in your high school class always telling a bad joke for attention because their dad’s hated them…if they even had a dad.. I prefer when Suki Waterhouse WAS SHOWING NIPPLE FOR FASHION … back when she was desperate to make it…because it would mean that she could land an Bradley Cooper…and she did…so a win for her, is a lose for us. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Suki Waterhouse Almost Has an Upskirt of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Almost Has an Upskirt of the Day

Here are some shitty paparazzi pics of Suki Waterhouse getting out of a car in a skirt…because she’s a model who is dating Bradley Cooper, which I guess makes her more important than other models, because the world hasn’t realized that none of these idiots are talented, interesting or important…if anything they are the annoying kid in your high school class always telling a bad joke for attention because their dad’s hated them…if they even had a dad.. I prefer when Suki Waterhouse WAS SHOWING NIPPLE FOR FASHION … back when she was desperate to make it…because it would mean that she could land an Bradley Cooper…and she did…so a win for her, is a lose for us. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

Originally posted here:
Suki Waterhouse Almost Has an Upskirt of the Day

Liv Tyler’s Shitty Panty Flash of the Day

Old as fuck Liv Tyler decided to go out and fight with the wind for the paparazzi, because as she nears 30 she remember a time when she was an it girl and this is a good way to draw a bit of attention to recreate the glory days… I was more into her before when she was the lie in her mother’s groupie behavior, you know when she told one rockstar that she was his daughter when she was really another rockstars daughter…making her change her name at 14 to Tyler…because that’s when the Paternity tests, and what I like to call the lottery win happened… It’s just a nice kind of broken…that only comes when you’re from a household of slut. Here’s her panties, appreciate my GIF. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Liv Tyler’s Shitty Panty Flash of the Day

Liv Tyler’s Shitty Panty Flash of the Day

Old as fuck Liv Tyler decided to go out and fight with the wind for the paparazzi, because as she nears 30 she remember a time when she was an it girl and this is a good way to draw a bit of attention to recreate the glory days… I was more into her before when she was the lie in her mother’s groupie behavior, you know when she told one rockstar that she was his daughter when she was really another rockstars daughter…making her change her name at 14 to Tyler…because that’s when the Paternity tests, and what I like to call the lottery win happened… It’s just a nice kind of broken…that only comes when you’re from a household of slut. Here’s her panties, appreciate my GIF. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Liv Tyler’s Shitty Panty Flash of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Leg of the Day

I saw the exact same body working the checkout line at WalMart the other day….Kim Kardashian is pretty fucking hideous….nothing but a no good, daddy issue porn star…I like repeating this because as she makes 70 million dollars a year, that would be 400 million a year if she was actually hot, and people overlook the fact that she staged this Black Dick Sucking Scene to be like her bff Paris…. She’s low grade, bottom feeder but the marketing machine and her PR people have spun the story in a way you all forget what matters….She She Was Pissed On In Video After She Fucked cuz she’s nothing but a toilet bowl of a person…a public urinal that should be shit in accidentally when drunk and trying to make friends laugh.. The only thing I’m with her on is that if I was stuck with the cunt who I won’t name that she’s with, I’d pretend to be on the phone too, cuz the cunt she is with who I won’t name is the fucking worse…

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Leg of the Day

Kim Kardashian’s Fat Leg of the Day

I saw the exact same body working the checkout line at WalMart the other day….Kim Kardashian is pretty fucking hideous….nothing but a no good, daddy issue porn star…I like repeating this because as she makes 70 million dollars a year, that would be 400 million a year if she was actually hot, and people overlook the fact that she staged this Black Dick Sucking Scene to be like her bff Paris…. She’s low grade, bottom feeder but the marketing machine and her PR people have spun the story in a way you all forget what matters….She She Was Pissed On In Video After She Fucked cuz she’s nothing but a toilet bowl of a person…a public urinal that should be shit in accidentally when drunk and trying to make friends laugh.. The only thing I’m with her on is that if I was stuck with the cunt who I won’t name that she’s with, I’d pretend to be on the phone too, cuz the cunt she is with who I won’t name is the fucking worse…

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Kim Kardashian’s Fat Leg of the Day