Tag Archives: make-it-bigger

The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

To fuck with the masses of men who feel like they have too small of a cock, because despite what the media tells you, size does matter and every girl I’ve talked to has loved every big dick she’s had, and laughed about every small dick she’s had…mainly my small dick…that’s how I know it happened… This dude, who is cheesy as fuck, straight from 1992, because I guess that’s where Ireleand is at, was born with a 10 inch peen, which in Ireland is like having a 42 inch peen, it just doesn’t happen to those white dudes, that’s why they fight so much…small penis rage…decided to make it bigger because…he wanted “a monster”… That makes me laugh, and I can assume he’s already had numerous porn offers. As for the rest of us with small penis, the only hope is young chicks who don’t know better, fat chicks who are so lonely they will take anyone, broke chicks who are so broke they will take anyone, single mom’s who have horrible shredded vaginas that they are willing to not fill so that their kid has some security, there are hookers, and BONER PILLS THAT MAKE YOUR DICK ALL THE DICK IT CAN BE EVEN IF YOUR DICK IS PATHETIC AND THAT’S NOT SAYING MUCH This dude is ridiculous…

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The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

To fuck with the masses of men who feel like they have too small of a cock, because despite what the media tells you, size does matter and every girl I’ve talked to has loved every big dick she’s had, and laughed about every small dick she’s had…mainly my small dick…that’s how I know it happened… This dude, who is cheesy as fuck, straight from 1992, because I guess that’s where Ireleand is at, was born with a 10 inch peen, which in Ireland is like having a 42 inch peen, it just doesn’t happen to those white dudes, that’s why they fight so much…small penis rage…decided to make it bigger because…he wanted “a monster”… That makes me laugh, and I can assume he’s already had numerous porn offers. As for the rest of us with small penis, the only hope is young chicks who don’t know better, fat chicks who are so lonely they will take anyone, broke chicks who are so broke they will take anyone, single mom’s who have horrible shredded vaginas that they are willing to not fill so that their kid has some security, there are hookers, and BONER PILLS THAT MAKE YOUR DICK ALL THE DICK IT CAN BE EVEN IF YOUR DICK IS PATHETIC AND THAT’S NOT SAYING MUCH This dude is ridiculous…

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The Man with a 10 Inch Penis Made it Bigger of the DAy

For The Thirsty: Magic Mike Is Getting A Sequel!

Channing Tatum Says Magic Mike 2 Is Coming Ladies, we know you’ve been extremely pleased with Magic Mike and all of it’s glorious man cakes. Yes, we’ve heard all about it. Well, get your loins ready as Tatum has confirmed a sequel in an interview with Glamour UK. Q: How about Magic Mike 2? C: “Yes, yes and yes! We’re working on the concept now. We want to flip the script and make it bigger.” Well slap us around and call us Cinnamon. We bet this will be a smash. We have some ideas about possible titles. Try these on for size: Magic Mike 2: What That Booty Do? Magic Mike 2: The Wiener’s Circle. Magic Mike 2: Bring Dat A$$ Back We have more but they’re probably NSFW. Did you see Magic Mike? Are you pumped for a sequel?

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For The Thirsty: Magic Mike Is Getting A Sequel!