Tag Archives: because-girl

Stephanie Seymour Naked of the Day

Stephanie Seymour is naked in some magazine in 2017, like it was the 90s when she was breaking up Guns and Roses… It’s nice to see that she’s not out there fucking her son, like she has in the past, if you remember the pictures of him with a boner on the beach with her, you know because mom knows best…. She’s probably a destroyed emotionally, she’s probably been beat up on so many levels from the model rockstar life in the 90s, but it looks like her fake tits have survived…with the help of photoshop!! GOOD TO KNOW!! The post Stephanie Seymour Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Stephanie Seymour Naked of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini Top of the Day

Bella Thorne never ending stream of her life because girl is so hooked to fame, attention to herself, being the star of her show, that she runs and directs and stars in like a Mel Gibson movie you can jerk off to, while designed to feed her ego.. It’s just a weird fucking social experiment, some JennyCam shit, only the 2017 version where everyone can do it….so weird….but I like it…even when she jacking up her pimple face.. The post Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini Top of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini Top of the Day

Kendall Jenner Is Working It Real Good

It’s not quite as impressive as the outfit she wore to her book launch yesterday, but I’m telling you guys, this Kendall Jenner chick knows how to dress. And I know she’s only 18, but I think she’s already a great role model for young hotties everywhere. See, it doesn’t matter how annoying your parents or your family are; as long as you’re hot and show off enough skin, us bloggers are willing to overlook pretty much anything. I’m pretty sure that’s the American dream, or close enough anyway. Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

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Kendall Jenner Is Working It Real Good

Victoria Justice Is Simply Stunning!

Here’s Victoria Justice at the Los Angeles Premiere Of ‘Spent: Looking for Change’ premiere. I believe this is a documentary about something I’m too lazy to look up, but I’m glad Vic showed up because girl is beautiful. Sure, I’d prefer if she was wearing 90% less clothing, but she has a face of an angel and I could stare at it all day.

Victoria Justice Is Simply Stunning!

Here’s Victoria Justice at the Los Angeles Premiere Of ‘Spent: Looking for Change’ premiere. I believe this is a documentary about something I’m too lazy to look up, but I’m glad Vic showed up because girl is beautiful. Sure, I’d prefer if she was wearing 90% less clothing, but she has a face of an angel and I could stare at it all day.