Tag Archives: because-letting

Riahnna’s Bikini is See Through of the Day

If you look close enough to these pics you will see Rihanna’s shit stain of a nipple….and I think if you look really close you can see her dick…cuz that’s just the kind of woman Rihanna is….one who doesn’t mind showing you her genitals in a discreet way because it taps into her teen prostituting that made her this huge billion dollar empire she is today….and some say underage hooking is bad….those people are just uneducated…and don’t realize it can reach such great things like taking a gully bitch out of the gutter and bringing her to the 5 star hotels she used to dream about fucking john’s inside….

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Riahnna’s Bikini is See Through of the Day

Jade Olivia’s Wizard Loving Vagina in Some Bikini Pics of the Day

Jade Olivia is really named Jade Gordon to those who went to high school with her, before she took her good looks to the groupie level and decided to work her vagina onto the penis of a weird looking dude in Harry Potter….only to leverage that into a role in Harry Potter, you know climbing that ladder the only way a whore knows how….and I’m totally fine with that…because without prostitution, I’d be a very very very lonely man… She’s in a bikini, drawing some attention to herself living the good life on by the pool… because letting a little wizard magic wand inside you is a lot better than working the cash at Walmart….something she’d possibly be doing if she wasn’t spending his money…Truth.

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Jade Olivia’s Wizard Loving Vagina in Some Bikini Pics of the Day

Jade Olivia’s Wizard Loving Vagina in Some Bikini Pics of the Day

Jade Olivia is really named Jade Gordon to those who went to high school with her, before she took her good looks to the groupie level and decided to work her vagina onto the penis of a weird looking dude in Harry Potter….only to leverage that into a role in Harry Potter, you know climbing that ladder the only way a whore knows how….and I’m totally fine with that…because without prostitution, I’d be a very very very lonely man… She’s in a bikini, drawing some attention to herself living the good life on by the pool… because letting a little wizard magic wand inside you is a lot better than working the cash at Walmart….something she’d possibly be doing if she wasn’t spending his money…Truth.

See the rest here:
Jade Olivia’s Wizard Loving Vagina in Some Bikini Pics of the Day