Tag Archives: because-model

Annika Stenvall by Jens Stoltze for S Magazine of the Day

Her name is Annika Stenvall . She is being shot by JENS STOLTZE , the editor of S MAGAZINE ….and with all great fashion publications, there is some amazing nudity, featuring both nipple and model bush, because model bush is one of the greatest things to happen in the Fashion nudity world, because I’ve been a massive advocate of Bush for as long as I can remember, I think it adds an element of surprise, like a Christmas gift nicely wrapped…I think it hides an element of what may not be the hottest of labia or clit…sticking it’s tongue out at me…I think it allows for an element of customization and personal style…and most importantly, it’s great to cum all over… Now…there are still girls who aren’t growing out their bushes. There are still people who think bush is gross. There are still people who are brainwashed by porn and the Kardashians, even though porn has brought bush back…because bush just looks better… Hair is not a crime…and either is Annika…amazing in this magazine…so hot that she should be illegal… SOURCE S MAGAZINE

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Annika Stenvall by Jens Stoltze for S Magazine of the Day

Doirth Mous Still Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Dorith Mous is some tall model who has done random photoshoots for various brands and magazines, but who you have probably never heard of. But she’s trying, you know pushing her PR strategy, using her connections in the fashion scene to get shot by Terry Richardson, and by shot I mean by his camera while naked, to get noticed and attention. I can only assume that he’s also shooting loads in her with his penis, because model pussy is the whole point of being a photographer, getting them drunk and horny, telling them they are pretty and making them look good in pictures to get them lubed up, kinda thing. Not to mention Terry Richardson is top of his game, even if he’s full of shit, and that kind of thing is what makes girls groupie, hoping it will open doors and I’ve noticed her, so it must be working. Good strategy.

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Doirth Mous Still Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day