Tag Archives: before-finally

Re-Cuffing Season: Man Begs Wife to Forgive His Dirty Dog Ways On FB – Says She’ll Take Him Back After 10,000 Likes

Looks like that new Drake album is already getting exes in their feelings! Meet Ivan Lewis, Facebook philosopher and selfie-enthusiast with high hopes that a very public mea culpa will be enough for his wife to take him back. We’ve seen how seriously some people take Facebook posts , so maybe he has a shot. Apparently Lewis ran around on his wife with (by his own admission) a very unattractive woman, causing the couple to split two years ago. Well, after time apart and likely a few drunken, late night Aubrey Graham listening sessions , Lewis suddenly woke up and realized he needed to put their chubby lumpkins love back together. Right on schedule for cuffing season, Lewis re-proposed, apologized for running around with sleazes, and declared that he’s changed his whole life before finally posting a handwritten note admitting the affair, with the caption “Sonya Gore said I got to get 10,000 before she take me back.” Spelling and syntax aside, this is kind of sweet…right? He’s already got nearly 3,000 likes, so best of luck to him and his lady. What do you think? Will you help mend their relationship with an FB like? Would a public humiliation apology via social media be enough for you take a cheating spouse back? Continue reading

Lily Allen: Pregnant with Second Child!

Lily Allen gave birth to her first child in November. And a new report states she and husband Sam Cooper are wasting little time expanding their family. That’s right, the British singer is pregnant again! Allen is due in December, according to The Daily Mirror , and has been afraid the public would catch on to the news before she was prepared to announce it. “Lily was sure people were going to cotton on to the fact she had a pregnancy bump but she seemed to get away with it thanks to wearing very baggy clothing,” an insider tells the newspaper . “Her bump has popped out very early – far earlier than the last

Watch Family Guy Parody Return of the Jedi, With Bonus Alec Baldwin Joke

If you always thought that Return of the Jedi would benefit from toilet humor, good news: Seth MacFarlane has reimagined the Richard Marquand classic to do just so in Family Guy ‘s third and final Star Wars parody: It’s a Trap! The feature, which will be released on DVD tomorrow, includes Han Solo flatulence jokes, Paraplegic Joe as Jabba the Hut and a cameo from Pee-wee Herman. If that isn’t enticing enough, allow MacFarlane to sell you on the latest George Lucas homage: “It’s more of exactly the same kind of jokes you’ve seen in the other two. So if you like those, this is the same and you’ll enjoy it just as much.” Take your first look ahead.

The rest is here:
Watch Family Guy Parody Return of the Jedi, With Bonus Alec Baldwin Joke

Who Had the Worse Weekend: How Do You Know or the NY Giants?

Man, oh, man, what a weekend for sadists. If watching a bloated cultural institution run aground in front of millions of viewers — thus squandering its talent and goodwill before finally collapsing beneath the weight of ego, misjudgment, bad decisions and competitive pressure — is your idea of a riotous spectacle, you were in all kinds of luck. But enough about How Do You Know .

Continued here:
Who Had the Worse Weekend: How Do You Know or the NY Giants?

This Is the Hydrant that Tiger Woods Hit

Filed under: Tiger Woods What a lovely looking fire hydrant — that is, until Tiger Woods ran it over early this morning. This is a photo taken two years ago

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This Is the Hydrant that Tiger Woods Hit